Albert Ruth Papers

Pages That Need Review

Correspondence from Albert Ruth to Mary Daggett Lake: May 8, 1926

Needs Review


Polytechnic Texas Apr 25 1927

Dear Mrs Lake:-

These are a few of the medicinal plants found in Tarrant Co. :-

Artemisia Mexicana - Mexican Wormwood. Salvia Farinacea - Mealy-leaved Sage Hedeoma drummondii - Drummondi Pennyroyal. Marrusieua [illegible] Vulgar - Hoarhound Datura stramonium - Thorn-apple or Jamestown weed. Chenopodium anthelminticum - wormseed. Ulmus Lulva - Slippery Elm. Riccinus Communis - Castor (Bean) Oil Plant. Verbena officinales - Herb-of-the-Cross Verbascum thapsus - Great Mullen Velvet or Mullen Dock Veronica perefrina Purslane speedwell Valerianella amarella - Bitter Cone Salad. Iva ciliata- Rough Marsh Elder Iva angustfolia Namax - leaved Marsh Elder made from both flowers and leaves elder - tea from it - to the people of who are worth Veronic thaspus - genus identified -Herb-ofWealth Rieneis cornward - leaved speedwell Verhea officials - Novem. of the Cross Verbacum, thapese geal mulaaba verreleber

Last edit about 1 month ago by AasrithJ
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Mex. wormwood- drink called absinthe made from species of Artemisia - medicine -

blue sage - tea made from it salvia farinacea

Pennyroyal - small labiale flowers Hedeoma drummondii - belongs to mint family

daturus stramonium - narcotic herb - jimpson weed - medicinal herb Hindoo name- "dhalura".

What we call tobacco weed - Filago pro lifera - quite common here on lawns & in fields

Worm [?} seed - Mex tea - In waste places - wide range - [?]. N. Y. Ontario to Florida & Mex. Naturalized from Europe

Slippery Elm - very rare in woods - species of elm - grows very tall-

Last edit 6 months ago by oldtypist
Needs Review


SERIES OF CROSSED-OUT WORDS - (officin alismeaus SERIES OF CROSSED-OUT WORDS (officially used medicinally)

Herb of the Cross - nat. [native] from the Old World Also called Holly Herb - enchanteur's plant, Juno's tears pigeon's gnass, Simpler's 'joy' [needs ]review

Veronica -- Medicinal Properties also

Elder - sambucus cauadeusis - - Elderberry wine & pie & tea

Last edit 6 months ago by oldtypist
Needs Review


large leafed - verbascum type subspecies mullen - in woods on Leaves are muscilaginous and bitter used as emollient applicaations for tumors source of several popular remedies UPSIDE DOWN WRITING several remedies of similax butl commonest

Last edit 6 months ago by oldtypist
Needs Review


From A Ruth 2907 Vickery Bd, Polytechnic Station Ft. Worth PENCIL WRITING How many kinds of bear grass? Ask about [ ] . STRUCK THROUGH ON ORIGINAL Any locusts here Holly STRUCK THROUGH ON ORIGINAL no Virginia Creeper M [ ] STRUCK THROUGH ON ORIGINAL UPSIDE DOWN PENCIL WRITING lutte elem - ulmus crossifolia (thickleaved ullmus) flowers & fruits in fall most others in spring

Last edit 6 months ago by oldtypist

Correspondence from Albert Ruth to Mary Daggett Lake: July 3, 1929

Needs Review


Polytechnic Station Fort Worth, Texas July 3,/1929 My dear Mrs. Lake: The following are some of the plants that may, I think, need preservation: Ferns-- Adiantum Capillus-veneris or Venus Hair Fern- Lake Worth and one or two other localities Woodsia obtusa, or Blunt leaved Woodsia Not very common Liliaceae Androstephium coeruleum or Androstephium Not very common ( Wild Hyacinth) Erythronium albidum coloratum or (Dog Toothed Violet) Variegated Adder's-tongue In rich woods. Iridaceae Sisyrincheum amoenum Blue-eyed grass Common Nemastylis acuta or Wild Iris not very common- Grows at Lake Worth. Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia tomentosa, Wooly Pipe-Vine in rich woods along Trinity Polyfonaceae Polyfonum incarnatum Slender Pink Persicoria In many places Amaranthaceae Amaranthus palmeri Palmer's Amaranth Along our Railroads (Pig Weed, Red-root) Froelichia drummondii belongs to same family Iresine paniculata or Juba's Bush Rich woods Portulaceae Claytonia Virginica - Spring Beauty Damp meadows Caryophyllaceae Parychia Scoparia Whitlow-wort Lake Worth.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by cmc102247
Needs Review



Nymphaeaceae or Water Lily Family
Nelumbo Lutea American Lotus or Water Chinkapin Lake Worth

Ranunculaceae or Crowfoot Family
Anemone Caroliniana, Carolina Anemone Meadows Delphinium albescene White-Flowered Along Streams Larkspur Clematis reticulata - Clematis In woods

Menispermaceæe or Moonseed Family
Cebatha Carolina - Carolina Moonseed Lake Worth

Cruciferae or Mustard Family
Roripa nasturtium Water-cress In damp, wet grounds

Capparidaceae or Caper Family
Polanisia uniflandulosa Clammy-weed [?] of streams

Pomaceae or Apple Family
Crataegus scabri[?]cula - Hawthorn open woods Crataegus [Mollie?] Red-fruited Thorn open woods

Caesalpinaceae or Senna Family
Callia roemeriana Roemeis Sensitive Plant. On prairies

Krameriaceae Krameria Family
Krameria secundiflora Linear-leaved Krameria Lake Worth

Papilionaceae or Pea Family
Sophna affinis Ever Necklace In woods Lupinus texender Lexal Lupine Lake Worth Melilotus Altia White Sweet-Clover Roadsides Psoralea cuspidata Large-Bractor Psoralea Lake Worth Parosela aurea Golden Parosela Petalostemon multiflorus Many-flower Prarie clover Lake Worth Petalostemon pubescens Hairy Prarie clover Lake Worth Geoprrumnon Crassicaspum Gostand Plum [?] Aragallus Cambertii Colorado [Loco?] Vetch Dry [?] Clitoria Mariana Butterfly Pea Lake Worth
Last edit almost 2 years ago by ElsieBet
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Geraniaceae } Erodinia Teranum Texah Kerun's - Bell or } Lake North Geranium Family cicutanum Pine Needles Open woods

Lenaceae or } [Li]? Berlandien - Berlander's Wild Gilax Filax Family Stony Hills

Last edit about 1 year ago by paebryant
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Garduaceae (cont) 6 Silphulm aspemmin Rough-leaved Rosin weed Words

Albeflomin White Flowered Lake worth

Tetrafortheca ludoniciara Tetraforotheea Lake Worth.

Rudhedcea auplexicaules- Clasping leaved Cone flower common

Braunena Augustofolea- Narrow leaved Purple cone flower Lake Worth

Helicauthas Petiolans- Rains Sunflower Lake Worth

Maximiliance Maximilians Roadside fields

Verbesina encelvides- Golden Crowbeard Along R.R. T.H.

Coreopus drummondii - Drummond's Tickseed Lake Worth

Fraudiflora Large Flowered Waste grounds

Thelespenna Trifidenn Five leaved Thelespenna Common

Marshallia Cacspofosa Narrow leaved Marshalia Lake worth

Neleuium Miocrucepkalum - Small leaf Sneezeweed wet grounds

Gacllardia Belakelle - Showy Gaillardia common leaves rayless T&P, R.R.

Hymophella tagetordes- Thyme Leaf Lake Worth

Mesaderia tuherosa - Tuberous Indian Plantain Stony Hillsides

Ceataurec Americana - American Star thistle

Last edit almost 2 years ago by nm2463

Flora of Tarrant County

Needs Review



XI. Lily Order (Liliales) (a) Bunch-flower Family (Melanthaceae). Species (134) Nuttall's Zygadenus (Zygadenus nuttallii) (b) Rush Family (Juncaceae) (135) Torrey's Rush (Juncus torreyi), (136) Texas Rush (J. texanus) (137) Bristly Rush (J. setosus) (138) Slender Rush (J. tenuis) (C) Onion Family (Alliaceae) (139) Wild Onion (Allium mutabile) (140) Heller's Wild Onion (A. helleri) (141) Yellow False Garlic (Nothoscordum bivalve) (142) Androstephium (A. coeruleum) (d) Lily Family (Liliaceae) (143) Variegated White Adder's-tongue (Erythronium albidum coloratum) (144) Wild Hyacinth (Quamasia hyacinthina) (e) Yucca Family (Dracaenaceae) (145) Yucca arkansana) (f) Smilax Family (Smilacaceae). (146) Bristly Greenbrier (Smilax bona-nox) XII. Amaryllis Order (Amaryllidales) (a) Amaryllis Family (Seucojaceae). (147) Rain Lily (Cooperia drummondii). (b) Iris Family (Ixiaceae) (148) Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium [amoenun?]) (149) Northern Nemastylis (Nemastylis acuta)

Last edit about 1 year ago by Peter Utas
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