Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 25, 1902
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Fort Worth:
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of
Wheeler Street, call your attention to that portion of Wheeler
Street lying between Daggett Avenue and Peter Smith Street.; said
Wheeler Street being at this date almost impassible to teams and
entirely so to pedestrians. We would call your attention to the
fact that all the water coming down Peter Smith Street flows
north down Wheeler, to Broadway; likewise water coming down
Daggett Avenue flows south on Wheeler to Broadway. We therefore
ask that this street be graded and a gutter constructed to cross
Wheeler Street on Broadway, sufficient to carry the waters meet-
ing at this point across the street and down the gutter on
Broadway to a natural outlet two blocks east of Wheeler street.
We call your attention to this at once and ask that our petition
be complied with.
Respectfully submitted.
S.R. Howe | R.H. Harle |
R.B. West | H.R. Burton |
J.T. Clements | I W. Peabody |
Robt Cooke | W.D. McNeely |
Joe Tengram | |
M.S. Smith | |
Aug. Harting | |
J.C. Hill | |
R. B. Haynes | |
B.J. Fitzgerald |
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