To the Honorable City Council of the City of Fort Worth,
The condemnation proceedings in the matter of the widening of Sixth Street were held and the commissioners to-day rendered their decision which is that the city pay eighteen hundred dollars for the land desired.
I do not advise any action at this time on the part of the Council as ten days are allowed for appeal and Mr. Anderson does not seem to be satisfied with the amount of the award and I do not know what position the city will take in the premises.
I would suggest to the city that an appeal is not desirable unless they think that the property is indispensable, for if the Council does not desire to take the property it is not compelled to take it and can wait and have the matter passed upon by another commission. If, however, the Council should be of opinion that the matter should be proceeded with and that the price allowed is too much, then I would thank the Council to instruct me to take the proper proceedings to appeal the matter to the County Court.
Very respectfully, E. C. Orrick City Atty
City Atty
Report an award of Commission in Condemnation
We your Finance Com recommend that in the matter of the condemnation proceedings referred to, the city accept the award of the arbitrator and that the City Secretary be and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of A. J. Anderson for the sum of $1800 upon receipt of proper deed to the property in question.
[floating text] FILED APR 7 1905 Jno T. Montgomery City Sec'y
7 [/floating text]
FILED MAR 17 1905 Jno T. Montgomery City Sec'y.
FORT WORTH, TEXAS April 7 1905
Hon Mayor & Board of Aldermen,
We your committee appointed to canvass the returns of the election held in the city of Fort Worth on April 4th 1905 for Assessor and Collector, and City Marshal respectfully report that Mr. J. Giloin received 1593 votes for Assessor & Collector, and James H Maddox received 1392, Andy McCambell received 499 votes for City Marshal. The votes of each one being a majority of all the votes cast for the respective offices.
Resply, John F. Lehane J. F. Henderson Wm. G. Newby