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The Arlington Heights Street Rail-
way Co., in constructing its line of railway over Jones street
left said street in such condition as renders the same almost impassable,
in that large stonesare heaped up in the middle of said street from
9th,to 12th,street and are not covered by gravel or other material
so that wagons and other vehickles cannot pass or use the same except
on the sides next to the gutters.

Between 12th,and 14th,streets the rails laid by said company
extend several inches above the surface of the street,making it almost
impossible for wagons to cross the same.

The material between the double tracts at said last named place
is common clay or dirt and in west weather water accumulates and
stands thereon making one long mud hole.

This condition has existed for several months and the people
having occasion to use said street have been very patient, but their
patience is exhausted and they are now asking for relief.

This part of Jones street was in splendid condition and was
one of the best streets in the city. The Ordinance granting the
franchise to construct said line of street railway imposes the
condition that the streets should be left by the company in as good
condition as it found them.

Resolved that the City Marshall be instructed to notify and require
said Arlington Heights Street Railway Co. to repair said street within
the next ten days and put the same in as good conditionas it found it,
said work to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer.

WR Parker

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