Council Proceedings: April 16, 1906



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900 Eighth Avenue Fort Worth. Texas.

Eighth Ward Fire Hall.

I propose to build the above according to plans & specifications provided. For the sum of Six thousand and twenty five dollars. $6025.

James Davies

Last edit about 2 years ago by Koliver
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Fort Worth, Texas, April 2, 1906.

Messrs Sanguinet & Staats, City.


I will complete the Eighth Ward Fire Station as per plans and specifications, for the sum of Six Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-six ($6.666.00) Dollars. Enclosed please find check for ($200.00) Two Hundred Dollars, payable to the City of Fort Worth, if I fail to sign up for the amount of my bid, if contract is awarded me.


Last edit about 2 years ago by Koliver
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J. J. NUNNALLY City Auditor, Fort Worth.

Fort Worth, Texas, Apl 16 1903

To the Hon Mayor and City Council


We your Committee on finance recommend that the City Secretary be authorized and instructed to draw a warrant on the street & water fund in favor of The American National Bank of Fort Worth for the sum of $211889 in payment of note executed by City in favor of McCollum Crandall Construction Co. Oct 16 1905 inpayment for Throckmorton Street pavement. Said note being in the sum of $2057.18 with interest at 6% per annum $61.71

We further recommend that the Auditor file his voucher with the City Secretary for same.

E.P. Maddox

Last edit about 2 years ago by Koliver
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Finance Committee


FILED APR 16 1906 Jno T. Montgomery City Sec'y.

Last edit about 2 years ago by tfbus
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The City Council of the City of Fort Worth:-

Our city charter provides among other duties imposed upon the Mayor of the city, that he shall communicate to the City Council from time to time such information and recommend all such measures as may tend to the improvement of the finances, police, health, security, cleanliness, comfort, ornament, and good government of the city. As I am just entering upon the duties of this responsible office, it does not occur to me that it is proper or that I am prepared to present for your consideration, anything upon all of the various subjects enumerated; it does occur to me that I should at this time invite your attention to the past history and the present status of our financial affairs. I would respectfully request each of you to give some serious thought to the consideration of the facts which I here present. I think it would be more profitable to carefully consider the indisputable facts than to consider any lengthy communications or extensive recommendations. We can often best determine where we are and whither we are tending by a brief review of our past condition and transactions. I invite your attention to a statement of the condition of our finances as the same stood at the end of the fiscal years March 2Ist, I900, I90I, I902, I903, I904, I905, & I906. From the Auditor's books I find that our financial account has stood as follows:-


General Fund $34838.59
School " 8623.7I
Ist Series Red Bonds-- Int. Fun $330.02
do Sinkg. " 330.39 660.4I
2nd Series Bonds -- Int. " I86.8I
do Sinkg. " 344.I4 530.95
3rd Series bonds Int. " 378.85
do Sinkg. " 6I2.60 99I.45
4th Series Bonds Int. " I62.72
do Sinkg. " 347.27 509.99
5th Series Bonds Int. " I54.73
do Sinkg. " 974.6I II29.34
6th Series Bonds Int. " 382.52
do Sinkg. " 349.I6 73I.68
7th Series Bonds Int. " 336.70
do Sinkg. " 732.3I I069.0I
Last edit about 2 years ago by Koliver
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