Council Proceedings: April 16, 1906



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8th Series Red Bonds-- Int. Fun 379.35
do Sinkg. " 880.23 I259.58
Water Works Mtg. Bonds Int 2I53.64
do Sinkg. I734.I4 388.78
Special fund I704.98
Police " I8I6.48
Pound " I02.08
Water Work General Fund I646.35
Water Suppy I0046.50
Street Sprinkling 5023.24
Old Water Bonds Int. Fund 30.9I
Gen. Int. & Sinkg. " 30994.00
Total on hand $I05597.03

In General Fund $95I65.68
School " 3674.33
1st Series Red Bonds-- Int. Fun 34.00
do Sinkg. " I0.34 44.34
2nd Series Bonds -- Int. " 24.55
do Sinkg. " I6.95 4I.60
3rd Series bonds Int. " I262.70
do Sinkg. " I3.05 I275.75
4th Series Bonds Int. " 542.68
do Sinkg. " 3I6.73 559.4I
5th Series Bonds Int. " I5.I3
do Sinkg. " 4.76 I9.89
6th Series Bonds Int. " I7.03
do Sinkg. " 5.62 22.65
7th Series Bonds Int. " 5I.08
do Sinkg. " I6.25 67.33
8th Series Bond Int " I263.69
do Sinkg. " I2.68 I276.37
Water Works Mtg. Bonds Int 3220.20
do Sinkg. 2I4.74 3434.94
Special fund I845.20
Police " I390.32
Pound " 44.I8
Water Work General Fund I7266.99
Water Suppy I2622.03
Street Improvement 204.07
Street Sprinkling 4232.84
Gen. Int. Fund 299I.43
" Street & Water I6747.4I
" Sinking Fund 3000.00
Total on hand $I65926.66

In General Fund $23995.65
School " I9345.22
Police " 2503.59
Pound " 30.43
Water Work Genl Fund I0260.I0
Water Suppy 43423.6I
Street Improvement I302.I0
Street Sprinkling 3II6.29
General Int. & Sing. Fund 25.49
" Street & Water 5244.65
" Sinking Fund 646.53
Total on hand $I09893.66
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In General Fund $3575.80
School " I2048.8I
Police " 2539.80
Pound " Deficit 56.24
Water Work Genl. Fund 3I33.85
Water Suppy 64605.86
Gen. Int. & Sinkg Fund Deficit 26506.68
" Sinking Fund II4I6.7I
5th Series Bond Int. 3.08
6th " " " 9.02
8th " " " .I8
Street Improvement Fund 2.04
Street Sprinkling " 300.29
Genl. Street & Water II.2I
Ist Series Refunding Int. I7I7.5I
2nd " " " I496.22
Total on hand $72297.46

General Fund ---Defeicit I3I28.59
School Fund $I6205.54
Police " I000.92
Water Wks. Genl. Fund -- Deficit I7.56
Street Improvement 5.58
Gen. Int. & Sinkg. Fund I795.87
" Street & Water 42664.68
" Sinking Fund 5I9.08
8th Ward School Bldg. Fund 2I06.08
Total on hand $24057.37
Last edit about 2 years ago by Koliver
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General Fund --- Deficit 37640.42
Police Fund 2I06.90
General Sinking Fund 5I9.08
" Interest Sinking Fund 27225.03
" Street & Water 24I4I.89
Totals $I20372.I2 $53992.90
Deficiency $66879.22

Conceding that it is our duty to rejoice over any permanent improvements which have been made during the years named as well as any owned before that time, and for the moment leaving out of consideration the question of our bonded indebtedness and indebtedness in the shape of notes and open accounts, we can but observe with serious concern that in the years named we have so drifted or tided our municipal affairs as that the financial status has changed from one of $I05,597.03 on hand March 2Ist, I900, to $66,879.22 less than nothing on hand March 2Ist, I906.

We enter upon the new fiscal year with an overdraft as just stated, upon which we pay interest of eight per cent per annum. The City Assessor and Collector informs me that the taxes of last year have been collected up close4 an has been the custom heretofore. So but a small amount can be hoped for from that source util next October, the beginning of the collection of taxes of I906. We cannot tell exactly what will be needed to meet the expenses of the city government from now until October Ist next. But to put before your minds some idea of what additional sum will have to be added tothe present deficit (if the bank will generously lend us the money), I give here a statement of the expenditures in I905 between April Ist and October Ist, presuming that the amount required from April Ist to October Ist this year will be about the same as last year:-



Last edit about 2 years ago by Koliver
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Aldermens Pay Roll $47I.00
Mayor do $999.96
Expense 3.90 I003.86
City Secy. Pay Roll I449.96
Stationery 28.95
Expense I3.55 I492.46
City Auditor Pay Roll 750.00
Stationery 6.90
Expense I.25 758.I5
City Attorney Pay Roll I849.98
Expense 784.50 2634.48
City Engineer Pay Roll I240.00
Stationery II.55
Expense 4I9.23 I670.89
City Electrician Pay Roll I020.00
Expense 72.05 I092.05
City Cemeteries 5I0.97
City Hall- Janitor 375.35
Fuel 92.09
Repairs 560.93
Expense 450.56 I478.93
Electric Light Dept. Pay Roll 23I0.00
Fuel 504.05
Expense I806.63 46I0.68
Fire Department Pay Roll I6044.90
Feed 9I5.45
Shoeing I59.I0
Repairs I52.34
Expense I889.I6
Fire Alarm 603.82 I9764.77
Health Dept. City Physician 750.00
Sanitary Inspection 780.00
Hospital & Drugs I753.85
Small Pox exp. 205.80
Stationery 25.00
Expense 423.89 3928.54
Police Dept. Pay Roll I5238.26
Stationery I6.75
Patrol Feed I42.44
Expense I085.83 I6483.28
Pound Pay Roll 360.00
Feed 64.57
Expense 84.25 508.82
Corporation Court Recorder 600.00
Stationery 65.00
Expense 2.75 667.75
Street Dept. Pay Roll I05I0.90
Feed 7I5.65
Grave 592.I0
Lumber II3.80
Rock 468.57
Hardware 94.27
Expense 755.99 I325I.28
Tax Dept. Stationery I74.75
Expense 273.28
Tax Suits 877.87 I325.90
Tax Refunded I7.50
Advertising 79.58
Agency Charges 22.95
Board of Equalization 53I.00
Election Expense 300.95
Fines R emitted 8.95
Interest Current I525.72
Insurance I35.75
Judgments, Costs, etc. I5.00
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Pauper Expense 443.00
Street Sprinkling 2220.00
Miscellaneous Ex. (includes refunding $406.67) 454I.I4
Pub. Schools Pay Roll 26626.83
Repairs I566.38
5th Ward Bldg I2758.28
8th " " I2747.07
Expense 2II8.68 558I7.24
Bond Interest 48546.92
Exchange 32.I3
Public Library 2000.00
City Park 873.28
Calaboose Boarding Prisoners I754.96
Expense 67.25
Streets Opened I809.00
Gutters & Crossings 298.55
Culverts & Bridges 887.78
Grading & Gravelling 00
Hill Street Viaduct 445.29
Sewers New System I2I3.30
" Extensions II72.26
" Maintenance I848.07 4233.63
Street Paving 3285.56
Cement Stock 923.20
J. H. Maddox Pauper A/c. 200.00
Total $202680.I4
From a review of this six months of expenditures, we will observe that but little of it can be classed as expenditures for permanent improvements. If we class as permanent improvements the items of Fifth Ward School Building $I2758.28, and Eighth Ward School Building$I2747.07, and the item of street opening $I809.00. Hill Street viaduct- $445.29, sewers, new system-$I2I3.30, sewer extensions$II72.26, we deduct from the total $202,680.I4 only the sum of $30,I45.20, which would leave what we must add to our present deficit of $66879.22 to wit: the further sum of $I72, 534.84, or a total of $239,4I4.06. This estimate is made on the supposition that we can stop at the limit of our actual expenses and not even extend any sewers or make any improvements at all of the kind deducted from the estimate, nor any other of a like character. While the estimate of the amount we may have to borrow will be reduced a small sum by the little amount that will yet come in form tax collections of last year's taxes and former years, yet the item of $I525.72 of current interest as well as some other items will be considerably more. Let me ask, It appears we will have an to have anoverdraft of considerably more than over $245,000.00 $240000. On the first of October next?
Last edit about 2 years ago by Koliver
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