AUG 27 1907
Hon. Mayor
& Board of Commisioners.
Ft. Worth, Texas.
Confirming our verbal proposal we hereby agree to make
contract, and give satisfactory bond for 10 years maintainance, to
fully complete the paving of any or all streets, this day ordered
by your honorable commissioner for the sum of $2.35 per sq. Yd.,
including grade to the depth of necessary subgrade all in the
accordance with Waren Bros., form B. specification on the file with
the City Secretary.
We wish to say that our permanent plant is now ready for
actual work, and we are in position to being and push to complete
any street your honorable may see fit to order paved with Bitulithic.
Respt. submitted,
Texas Bitulithic Co. ,
Per Josh Pittiman
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