Council Proceedings: August 1, 1907: Part 1 of 2



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FILED Aug 20 1907 W. J. Estes City Secretary.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Harpwench
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Fort Worth, Texas.

To the Board of Commissioners, of the City of Fort Worth,

Now comes Sam Davidson, commissioner of Streets and Public Grounds and reports to the Board of Commissioners that in his opinion the following named sections of streets the same being public streets and thoroughfares within the City of Fort Worth should be paved with Bitulithic pavement to wit:

Third Street from east side of Main Street to west side of Rusk St., and Fourth Street from west side of Main to east side of Houston Street, and Tenth Street from East side of Houston St. to West side of Rusk Street and Eleventh Street from East side of Throckmorton to West side of Rusk, not including intersections of said street with Houston and Main streets.

that in his opinion said pavement is needed to make the same suitable for travel and that a public necessity exists therefor and that the value of the property on said sections of said streets will be enhanced in value by such pavement in a sum equal to the cost of making such improvement in front of said property and that it is his opinion that said pavement should be constructed according to s-9 of Book R of the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth and that he therefore recommends to the Board that it enter into and a consideration of the necessity of such improvement and that after due consideration the Board of Commissioners in due form pass an order declaring that the owners of property abutting on said portion of said streets are called upon and calling upon them to construct said pavement in front of their respective properties and calling upon the

Last edit about 1 year ago by Harpwench
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to construct said pavement between the rails of its tracks so far as it has or operates tracks upon said streets or any of them and upon the outside of said tracks next to its outer rail for a space of 16 inches and all space between double tracks or switches of side tracks and said Commissioner recommendsing that said order when passed be published once a day for ten days as required by Ordinance No.28 of the City of Fort Worth, etc.

Sam Davidson Commissioner of Streets and Public Grounds.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Koliver
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FILED Aug. 27 1907 W. J. Estes City Secretary.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Harpwench
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FORT WORTH, TEXAS, August 27, 1907.

TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS of the City of Fort Worth.


On the 15th. of June you allowed me the sum of $25.00 for Postage Account, with which I purchased Postage Stamps, and have disposed of them as follows, to wit:-

Mayor's Office 2.00
City Secretary 4.00
City Auditor 3.00
City Engineer 2.00
Police Department 9.00
Water Works Department 2.00
Stamps on hand 3.00 $25.00

J. J. Nunnally City Auditor.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Harpwench
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