Fort Worth, Texas, August 27, 1907.
TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS of the City of Fort Worth.
I respectfully request an appropriation of $2260.48 to pay Claims, Accounts, Pay Rolls, Contracts, etc., as per memorandum following.
Audited vouchers for same have been approved and are on file in this office.
JJ. Nunnally City Auditor.
Electric Light Department | 33.00 | |
Fire Department | 340.95 | |
City Engineer | .45 | |
Health Department | 40.00 | |
Police Department | 38.60 | |
Dog Catching | 183.75 | |
Storm Sewers | 268.70 | |
Culverts & Bridges | 210.44 | |
Sewer Department | 200.80 | |
Occupation Tax Refunded | 366.79 | |
Postage Account | 25.00 | |
Water Works Department | 552.00 | $2260.48 |
On Motion of G. H. Colvin consideration of the report of Commissioner Davidson recommending the pavement of Rusk Street and other Streets with Vitrified Brick is postponed until such time as said Commissioner Davidson can secure bids for doing said work and make report to the Board of the lowest and best bid received for doing said work.