It appearing to the undersigned that it for the best interest of the servuce of the Police Department of the City of Fort Worth that John Sparks, who has heretofore been appointed and acting as a special policeman for the Western Union Telegraph Co., should be removed from Police Courts Force I hereby discharge the said John Sparks and remove him from the office of aforesaid and direct that he return his commission as such officer.
Witness my hand and official signature this Aug. 15th, 1907
Geo. Mulkey Police and Fire Commissioner
Ft. Worth, Texas, Aug. 15. 1907#
To the Honorable W. D. Harris, Mayor of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas.
In compliance with the provisions of the Charter of the city of Fort Worth, I hereby give notice in writing to you as the mayor of Fort Worth, of the fact that within less than thirty days prior to this time, to-wit, on the 18th day of July, 1907, I was injured in the following manner:
I was an employee of the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Company, and in my capacity as a lineman of said company, I had occasion to ascend a pole upon which the wires of the company were, and in ascending said pole I came in contact with a live wire which belonged to and was the property of the city of Fort Worth and which was used for the purpose of furnishing power to make the street lights for said city, as a result of which I was rendered unconscious and was caused to fall from the pole which I was ascending to the ground a distance of about twenty-five feet, and in consequence thereof received injuries to my hands, to my left ear, to my back and side,to my ribs, and to my legs and arms, and suffered great physical pain and mental anguish which resulted in damage to myself to the amount of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars.
I claim that the city of Fort Worth is liable to me for the aforesaid damage sustained by me because of its negligence in failing to have the line wire which I came in contact with covered with waterproof insulating covering and because of the neglegent construction and maintenance and operation of the said wire by the city of Fort Worth,
Very respectfully, [Signature of John Moore]
Fort Worth,Texas, August 17,1907.
To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the City ofFort Worth.
As a property owner,and one interested in the City of Fort Worth, I beg to call your attention to an impending effort to close up Peter Smith Street,where it acts as a connection or means of communication between South Main and Bryan Street. This particular section of Peter Smith Street is about two hundred feet North of Tucker Street. I am informed by the City Engineer that that part of Peter Smith Street is known and recognized on the maps of the City as a public thoroughfare, and that the City purchased and acquired the same from the Tucker heirs. If this be so, then it is not private property,but a thoroughfare which belongs to the City of Fort Worth and to the general public,and I beg that your Honorable Board that the Commissioner of Streets and Public Grounds investigate this matter to the end that , if it be a public thoroughfare, that it be kept open continuously to the use of the public.
Very respectfully,
W. E. Huffman O. E. Johnston Nellie Johnston