Council Proceedings: August 1, 1907: Part 1 of 2



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The report of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Grounds, recommending that El Paso street be paved from the west line of Lake street to the East Line of Sumit Avenue with what is known as bitulithic pavement, coming on to be heard and the Board of Commissioners thereupon and also upon their motion having carefully considered the necessity and the advantage of paving said street in the manner requested and it appearing to the Board of Commissioners that there is a public necessity for having said street paved with the said pavement and it further appearing that so paving said street will increase the value of the property abutting said pavement in front of the respective properties abutting on said street. It is therefore hereby ordered that the owners of property abutting said street be and they are each respectively called upon to construct said improvement in front of their several properties respectively and that they construct said pavement in accordance with the specifications accompaning said recommendation and which specifications are recorded on pages 505-6 506-7-8-9 of Book R Minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth and that this order not including said specifications be published in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, to-wit, the Fort Worth Star, once a day for ten consecutive days in order that persons owning property on said street may have due notice thereof and in order that if any person owning property on said street street be unwilling to pay the cost of constructing said improvement in front of the property owned by him or her that such person may file or cause to be filed his or her objection or protest thereto on or before the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners after the final publication of said order.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Koliver
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Report Com St & Grounds El Paso St. Pavement


FILED Aug 20 1907 W. J. Estes City Secretary.

FILED Aug 19 1907 W. J. Estes City Secretary.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Koliver
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Fort Worth, Texas.

To the Board of Commissioners, of the City of Fort Worth,

Now comes Sam Davidson, Commissioner of Streets and Public Grounds and reports to the Board of Commissioners that in his opinion El Paso street the same being a public street and thoroughfare in the City of Fort Worth should be paved with bitulithic pavement from the west line of Lake street to the East line of Summit Avenue in order to make the same suitable for travel, and that a public necessity exists for such pavement and that the value of property abutting on said street will be enhanced in value in a sum equal to cost of such improvement - that it is his opinion that the said pavement should be made of said material named and that the same should be constructed according to the specifications as the same appears of record on pages 505-6-7-8 and 9 506-507-508 and 509 of Book "R." that he therefore recommends to the Board of the that it enter into consideration of the necessity of such improvement and the construction thereof and that after due consideration the Board of Commissioners in due form pass an order declaring that the owners of property abutting on said street are called upon and calling upon them to construct said pavement in front of their respective properties and that the same be published for ten days as required by Ordinance No. 28 of the City of Fort Worth, etc.

Sam Davidson Commissioner of Streets and Public Grounds.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Harpwench
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El Paso St. Pavement


FILED Aug 20 1907 W. J. Estes City Secretary.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Harpwench
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All Bills Must be Sent to This Office

Office of A. J. Roe, Lumber, Shingles, Sash and Doors Lime, Cement, Mixed Paints and Mouldings Sixth and Seventh, Throckmorton and Taylor Streets


Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 27 1907

To The Hon. Commissioners of the City of FtW.

I hereby request that your Honorable body continue Mr. J. M. Higgins as special policeman for the Valley View addition. Mr. Higgins has occupied this position for 3 years & given entire satisfaction

Yours very truly,

D. T. Evans

Last edit about 1 year ago by Koliver
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