Council Proceedings: September 1, 1907





Fort Worth, Texas, Sept 9th, 1907.

Hon. Sam Davidson,

Commissioner of Street and Alleys.

Dear Sir:-

We, the drivers of the City teams, hereby petition you asking advance of fifty cents per day on the wages that we now receive, and in so doing beg to call your attention to the great increase of all living commodities which makes it impossible for a man to support his family on the small salary now received, which is only $1,50. Trusting you will give out petition your favorable consideration we are very respectfully,

J. D. Hilts D. J. Shelton George Vaught M. Yates Peter Ives Mike Riley

Last edit 3 months ago by Koliver



Filed Sept 17 1907 WJ Estes City Secretary

Last edit 3 months ago by Koliver


To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners.

Gentlemen: Until within the past year, we have been receiving, through your courtesy, "flat rates" ($13.50 per month), on our water bills, in consideration of services rendered to the city by our schools, in accommodating about one hundred pupils, free of all charge, and others too, who pay but a small stipend.

We respectfully solicit a continuance of your kind consideration in our regard, as the conditions with respect to the pupils remain the same.

We are, Gentlemen, Yours very respectfully,

Sisters of St. Mary St. Ignatius Academy City

Sect notify Sisters of St Mary that they will be required to pay regular rates for water

Last edit 3 months ago by Koliver



Filed Sept 14 1907 WJ Estes City Secretary

Last edit 3 months ago by Koliver


The Following regulation regarding the carrying of pistols and fire-arms be night watchmen and special policemen in the City of Fort Worth is hereby promulgated, and the persons affected thereby shall be governed accordingly:

All night watchmen and special policemen in the City of Fort Worth are prohibited from carrying on or about their persons any pistol or fire-arm except when in the performance of their active duties, and at all other times they shall be held and regarded as any other private citizen in respect to the use of such weapons, and their official status shall be no shield or protection against the application of the State law covering such matters.

Disobedience of this regulation on the part of any night watchman or special policeman, besides making him liable to the State law on the subject of concealed weapons, shall sub ject him as well to revocation of his commission and his dismissal from office.

Given under my hand this 17 day of September 1907

Geo MulKey Commissioner of Fire & Police

Last edit 3 months ago by Koliver
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