


Status: Needs Review

Here comes Sam Davidson, Commissioner of Streets and public
Grounds and recommends that the Board of Commissioners of the City
of Fort Worth accept the proposition and offer made by and in
behalf of the property owners fronting upon Broadway Street between
South Main and Jennings Ave., for the pavement of said Street and
that the City of Fort Worth do said paving at and for the sum of
$1.50 per square yard and that the City pave the inter-
sections of streets crossing said Broadway and also of alleys
abutting on Broadway at its own cost
and also at its own cost construct the curbing around said parks in the center of said street. And the Commissioner further
recommends that the said pavement be made with rock asphalt to be
obtained from the mines near Ardmore and under the City's contract
with [Bownard?] Lester Asphalt Co. as heretofore entered into and
that the same be constructed upon a foundation and according to
specifications set forth and shown upon pages 549 - 550
Book R of the minutes of this Board. And said Commissioner recommends
that said pavement be so made as to have a drive way on each side
of said Street and parks in the center thereof with cement curb
surrounding said park and that the same be made according to
the plat herewith submitted to the Board of Commissioners and that
the property owners upon said street be taxed with the cost of said
curbing around said park in proportion to and in proportion to their
frontage respectively and that the City pay such proportion thereof
as the aggregate width of all cross streets and abutting alleys
on said Broadway Street bears to the whole of the frontage of
street to be paved.

And the said Commissioner further recommends that the
Board of Commissioners now consider the advisability, necessity and
advantage to accrue to the property abutting on said street by such pavement and that
the Board of Commissioners pass an order calling upon the property
owners on said street who have not joined in the proposition of the
citizens above referred to above to construct said pavement and also said curbing in front of their property and in proportion to their front-
age as hereinafter set out
unless their respective properties have
sufficient curbs already and that said order be published once
a day for ten days as required by Ordinance of the City of Fort Worth.

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