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2 revisions
Harpwench at Apr 01, 2024 06:02 PM


-2- gage in favor of Mrs. Hamill P.Scott. Your petitioners are further informed that said strip of ten feet may be purchased by the City for Two Hundred($200) Dollars if purchased before the 15th of December,and that Mrs.Scott will release the same. We respectfully submit this petition to your Honorable Body, and ask that you take favorable action thereon. | | | H. M. Ash | C. J. E. Kelleen J. P. Casey | G. D. Fisher T. E. [Kerrlay?] | B. L. Harris L. P. Robertson | Mrs. Eastwood W. O. Wear | W. W. Hovey Wm. R. Booth | Geo. Kennedy B. F. Chollar | J. Watson C. R. St. John | E. A. Baldridge T. A. Thompson | W. B. Harris W. H. Allison | W. B. Martel J. R. Cromer | W. J. Gilvin A. O. Harvey | | Roland DeVitt | | W. E. Yancy | | Dr. W. C. Lackey | | Mayor Smith | | G. W. Chapman | | J. [?] Heplewhite | | Honorable Board of Com. I respectfully recommend the purchase of Eleven feet of ground as requested by the petition, cost not to exceed $200.00 Respectfully, Sam Davidson Com. St. & Aly.


gage in favor of Mrs. Hamill P.Scott.

Your petitioners are further informed that said strip of
ten feet may be purchased by the City for Two Hundred($200)
Dollars if purchased before the 15th of December,and that
Mrs.Scott will release the same.

We respectfully submit this petition to your Honorable
Body, and ask that you take favorable action thereon.

H. M. Ash C. J. E. Kelleen
J. P. Casey G. D. Fisher
T. E. [Kerrlay?] B. L. Harris
L. P. Robertson Mrs. Eastwood
W. O. Wear W. W. Hovey
Wm. R. Booth Geo. Kennedy
B. F. Chollar J. Watson
C. R. St. John E. A. Baldridge
T. A. Thompson W. B. Harris
W. H. Allison W. B. Martel
J. R. Cromer W. J. Gilvin
A. O. Harvey
Roland DeVitt
W. E. Yancy
Dr. W. C. Lackey
Mayor Smith
G. W. Chapman
J. [?] Heplewhite
Honorable Board of Com. I respectfully
recommend the purchase of Eleven feet of
ground as requested by the petition, cost not
to exceed $200.00


Sam Davidson
Com. St. & Aly.