Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 1st 1907.
To Edward C. Woodward City Engineer
Gentlemen Dear Sir:—In response to your request for proposals
on Cement Curbing of Broadway Park
we. Tierney and Carroll, the under-
signed, hereby agree to furnish all the materials, tools, im-
plements, apparatus and labor, necessary to construct and
complete the work in accordance with the terms of the
Standard Specifications for Cement Curbing on file in the
office of City Engineer (copy of which is hereto attached
and made a part hereof), and with details shown on plans,
similarly on file, at the following unit price, to-wit:
Cement Curbing.
about 2400 Linear feet ( $ at Thirty-three cents .33 cts) per
linear foot of Curbing. We understand and agree
that active work must be begun by the contractors
within ten days after execution of the contract by both
parties, and that the entire work must be completed within
15 working days after its commencement.
And we further declare that we have care-
fully examined the specifications for the work, and the and the form of contract,
plans and profiles for the same,
and also the premises upon which the work is to be done,
and that by personal examination of said premises and by
other means, have satisfied ourselves as
to the nature of the work to be done; and will contract to
perform all the work, and furnish all materials and labor neces-
sary and proper for the purpose and to complete the work
in the manner and conditions mentioned, described
and set forth in this proposal and the said notice, form of
contract and specifications.
Daniel F. Tierney
Ralph Carroll
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