


Status: Complete


Fort Worth Texas.

To the Hon. Mayor and Board of Commissioners
of the City of Fort Worth Texas:-


It is respectfully requested by the Board of Directors
of the Fort Worth Library Association,under the supervis-
ion of which the City's Public Library is administered, that:-

The fund created by the special tax for Library
purposes,shall be made available as the same is collected ,and
that the same shall be subject to the orders of the Library,
in payment of proper contracts, purchases support,maintenance
and expenses, in connection with the Library.

The Board of Directors of the Library,to pass on and
allow all bills and accounts,to be paid from said Library Fund,
as heretofore,and to file with the City auditor all original
bills and accounts,duly approved, as has been the custom.

The City shall at this time, issue proper warrant
for at least $1500.00, to the Library Association,and shall
establish such regulations for the future transfer of said
fund,as it may be collected,as shall be deemed proper and
convenient,considering the purposes to which said fund is
dedicated. The conditions being that the Library Association
has been forced to over draw its account,necessary expenses
exceeding the appropriation,a five year insurance policy has
been recently written on the Library Building and contents,at
an expense of $400.00,which account one of the directors person-
ally advanced and it has been impossible to make payment to him,
it has also been required to make repairs on the building,which
work is still under way,and which will have to be paid for ,
probably during this month,the exact amount of this account,
cannot be stated.

The Board of Directors of the Library,desiring to
administer its affairs in a business like manner;to protect

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In this document there is often no space after a comma. I have typed it as is. Should this be corrected to have a space after the comma?

Fort Worth Public Library

No correction is necessary. Continue with verbatim transcription.


Will do, thanks