To the Board of Commissioners,
of the City of Fort Worth,
I am the Advanced Agent of the Navy Recruting Party whose
general office is in Dallas, Texas. We desire to have a sub
station in the City of Fort Worth. The Government building just at
this time is so crowded that there is no room for us. I have
examined the room in the City Hall which it is said was formerly
the council chamber and find that it will answer the purpose, If
you can let me use it. I will want it for about three weeks begin-
ing Dec. 16th. It will be occupied only by one or two officers and
we want it as a place to receive, interview and examine applicants.
We will take good care of it and pay for our own janitor
work. Please let me know at your first meeting if you can grant
this request.
Yours truly,
FL Knowles C.S.h.
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