Fort Worth, Texas, November 27, 1907.
The Mayor and Commission,
City of Fort Worth, Texas.
You are aware that your suggestions relative to the purchase
of a reservoir for providing the City with water, and a practical
reconstruction of its water system, are before the Board of Trade
for the purpose of an investigation and report thereon, and that the
Committee of the Board to whom this question has been referred, are
now undertaking as best they can, thro expert information and otherwise
to ascertain the feasibility, cost, etc. of the suggested system.
As the Committee had not had sufficient time to obtain the
necessary information and was unable to make an intelligent report to
the Board, the Board on the 26th inst. passed a resolution requesting
the Commission to extend the time for the consummation of the purchase
of the land, and further requesting your Honorable Body to give to the
Committee full and complete details of the number of acres proposed
to be purchased, the price per acre, the topography of the land, the
report of the City Engineer after making the survey, the methods
that you have suggested of bringing the water into the city, of
construction, and all the data in your possession, including cost,
etc., to enable the Committee to intelligently formulate a report,
in connection with the data it already has and that it hopes to
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