FORT WORTH, TEXAS, Dec 24th, 1907. 190___
Hon Geo Mulkey, Commissioner of Fire and Police.
Dear Sir:-
I would respectfully recomend the appointment of Mr Billy Braxton as Night Watchman at the National Biscuit Co's plant, vice Ingerman resigned.
I would also recomend the appointment of Mr Vincent Black as Special Policeman at Western Union Telgraph office 4th and Main streets, vice Sparks resigned,. Both appointees to serve without pay from the City. See attached recomendations and requests.
Very Respt. JH Maddox Chief of Police.
) State of Texas.) County of Tarrant)
Know all men by these presents that I, Geo Mulkey Fire and Police Commissioner of the City of Fort Worth, do, by virtue of authority vested in me by the charter of the City of Fort Worth appoint and commission Billy Braxton as special police officer at the plant of the National Biscuit Co, in the City of Fort Worth, with out pay from the City.
Also Vincent Black as Special Police officer at the office of the Western Union Telegraph office 4th and Main Streets without pay from the City.
Witness my hand, this the 24th day of December, 1907.
Com. of Fire and Police
Fort Worth, Texas, 12/16/07.
To the Honorable Commissioners, City of Fort Worth.
I own property situated at #533 Peter Smith Street in this City. Through the block in which this property is situated, there is an underground water-way, covered with boards. The covering for this water way has decayed and fallen in, leaving the ditch in a bad condition. I call your attention to the matter that the water-way left in its present condition, is uns sanitary and is also injuring the property by reason of overflow, which is causing damage to the property.
I most respectfully call your attention to the matter and ask that the same be put in proper condition.
Very respectfully,
John B White
Ft. Worth, Texas, Dec. , 1907.
Hon. Sam Davidson, Commissioner of Streets and Alleys.
We the undersigned, owning property abutting on Jones St., between East 15th and East Front Sts., petition your Honorable Body to let the contract for paving with brick the above mentioned piece of street hereby agreeing to pay for the number of feet set opposite our names, cost not to exceed $ ______ per square yard.
-- | -- |
BF Wallis | 75 feet |
CHenry | 50" |
EN Dagget | 300 " |
Arnold Guertler | 50 feet |
John Wernet | 25 feet |
CWWhite by BF wallis | 50 feet |