Council Proceedings: December 15, 1907



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Files Dec 3 1907 W J Estes City Secretary

Bonham, Texas, Nov. 10, 1891.

J.S. Burton Medicine Company.

Gentlemen:- I have tried Rex Oil for colic and can say it is the most effectual remedy that I ever tried, doing its work almost instantly.


Sherman, Texas, Sept. 12, 1981 J.S. Burton Medicine Company

Gentlemen:- This is to certify that I have used Rex Oil and can cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering with neuralgia


Sherman, Texas, June 9, 1903. J.S. Burton Medicine Company.

Gentlemen:- One of your agents came to my house some time last year and left a bottle of Rex Oil and instructed me if the medicine did not give satisfaction we needn't pay for it. As I was troubled with rheumatism and neuralgia I concluded to use it and see if it would do me any good, and to my surprise it did me more good than anything I ever used in my life and I cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering with those troubles. I was caught in the Galveston flood and got my flesh all poisoned by standing in the salt water so long, and my legs all swelled up and inflamed and caused the flesh on my shin bones to grow to the bone and was all full of running sores, but got no relief, so I concluded to try Rex Oil and to my great surprise one 50c bottle cured me sound and well in less than two weeks. This has been now nine months ago and I have had no trouble with my legs since.


Orangeville, Texas, Dec. 23, 1903. J.S. Burton Medicine Company.

Gentlemen:- You have a great remedy in Rex Chill Tonic, bitter. Our daughter had been having chills three months. One of your agents called on us and induced us to try Rex Chill Tonic and to our surprise less than one bottle of Rex Chill Tonic cured her chills and she is not getting along nicely.


Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
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Fort Worth, Texas, December 4th 1907.

To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission of the City of Fort Worth.

We the undersigned property owners and citizens of Tarrant County respectfully petition your Honorable body to permit J.C.L. Moore to maintain the Public weighing scales at its present place where same is now located at the corner of North Houston and Belknap street except that the same is to be moved about 6 feet West on said Belknap street; That same is a convenience to the country people and those desiring weighing done and does not in any wise interfere with the property owners along Belknap or Houston street as we believe.


Names Alex Canto A. Robinson O. E. Martinson R. Jones G. W. Winn N.P. Rone H. P. Wise E Hossester Farmer C. L. Zieece Jack Coulson (drugist) H M. Dickry H. W. Watson W. P. Spradling A. J. Martin Thryd Kirby Machinist V. Z. Jarvis W. B. Austin farmer G E Tandy E. Hunt (Carpents) R. L. Dennis Farm C. C. Peterson Farm Interurban Express Operated by Hagerty Transfer & Warehouse Co. M Rankin Agt Natateremm Sleom Lansbry N.E. Gambrell B. J. Chote R. L. Wilcox Grocery W. McVecio A. J. Beavers Jno A. Kee Co Clk P. Lipscomb

Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
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-- --
J.A. Watcher Depty Sheff
C.J. McKenna A Branett
J.A. Mulholland A.A. Babel
AT Lard J J Howard
Jas A Hovenkonp AHammond
FW Adams Lee Epps
Jow P Farmer Thos Presnoll
CO Edwards JKAwynn
HW Brock AB Polley
JME Morrow JC Young
Willie Smith M. V. Hollis
JWLawson HH Hager
C.M. Grunlee JR Bingon
RSMurray CH Lookett
J.T. Castleberry JW McCaine
A.J. Day Joe Coleues (Farmer)
W.T. Barry Thomas Hoston
MJ Pankey HC Shaht
AA Presley HG Dearing
GW Wallis L.E. Hardesty
Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
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-- --
Duke Parker JL Scoggin
WG Calvin Farmer RP Martin
UA East HL Thompson
VB Easter Jm Anderson
JS Callier JJ [OHasear?]
DC Harris JM Floyd
RM Taylor HM Murphy
TJ Butler JL Moore
Jas H Wolfe Tal Sisk
VP Burrs FL Green
BF Wallis CB Law
WS Bower GQ Swearingen
WF Orrick JA Swearingen
CA Holder JW Donaldson
RS Wadz Wfg Co Isaac Van Zandt
JN Thompson JM Darriel
JJ Bursey C N Comer
WH [Insoin?] RP McLean
ML Williams WL Blackwell
RW Jenkins I [Iwin?]
Jw [?] Nick Brick
Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
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-- --
Frank Dizon UB Harris
HL Vaughn Irby Dunklin
WH Harrell JDerden
AC Mequiar OSLetterman
EP Baldwin T Pellabeer gp
CG Taylor WC [?]
312 West [Rel morp?]
RW Brattpn JE Shelton
Jno E Arnold CC Cunningham
ED Tanner WC Stripling
DH Purvis RJ Fowler
OL Sweet JC Terrell
MW Rea KM VanZandt
M Scougale WG Newby
Mike E Msith JA Ray
J [?] marlin WA Sartee
Jas A Childress RA Keith
JA [?] Geo Webb
LC Vaughan WL Patton
BD Humphrey
WA Hanger
Robt McCart
Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 80 in total