Council Proceedings: December 15, 1907





Fort Worth, Texas, Dec. 12,1907.

To J.N. Winters, H.W. Lusher, et al, Fort Worth, Texas.

Dear Sirs-

Referring to the petition hereto attached, beg to say that I am willing to do the work of grading and graveling Sixth Avenue from Myrtle Street on the south of Oleander Street on the north and will look to the abutting property owners for my remuneration except that the City must agree to pay at the same rate for grading and graveling street crossings, it being my understanding that all of the abutting property owners between said points on Sixth Avenue have signed the attached petition with the exception of one, and I agree to take chances on collection from that one, holding the other property owners and the City of Fort Worth entirely free from any obligations in the event I should fail to collect from said one party. (or any other partys)

I believe that thos property owners north of Oleander and between Oleander and Rosedale Streets, who have not already signed the petition, will do so, or at least, will agree to pay their respective parts of the expense of grading and graveling said Sixth Avenue from Oleander Street north to Rosedale, in which event I will continue said work from Oleander to Rosedale and use my best efforts to induce said property owners to continue. In any event I am ready to enter into a contract with such property owners on Sixth Avenue between Oleander and Myrtle Streets as hereinbefore outlined and on the basis of the accompanying petition.

J Padgett

I respectfully report that the above agreement be made with CJ Padgett, provided streets will be graveled to the depth of 8 inches in the center and 4 inches to gutter, and providing further that the city pay at the rate of one Dollar per cubic yard SD

Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver



Last edit 12 months ago by kcrawford


Ft. Worth, Texas, Dec. 17, 1907.

Received of C.E.Farmer, Thirty-one Dollars ($31.00), being payment in full of the bill purchased by the Mayor of Ft. Worth for a company of indigent Bulgarians that they might chop wood, for the said C.E. Farmer.

This $31.00 is for the payment of the twenty-four axes at $10.50 per dozen ; and ten crosscut saws at $1.00 each , which axes and saws were the bill above mentioned. These tools were purchased Dec. 3, 1907 and were to be paid for by the said Bulgarians when they had made the amount by chopping the wood for the said C.E.Farmer, and the said C.E.Farmer was to see that it was paid and this shows that he has paid same for the Bulgarians mentioned out of the amount they have earned by chopping wood for him. Therefore, we hereby acknowledge that we have no further claim on the said City of Ft. Worth or its Mayor, or the said C.E. Farmer, or the said Bulgarians for the the above amount of $31.00, but is acknowledged to be in full and completely satisfied by the said C.E.Farmer.

WM Henry & Co SM Secy Duplicate

Certified Correct. CE Farmer

Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver


Recd Wm Henry & Co


FILED DEC 24 1907 WJ Estes City Secretary

FILED DEC 17 1907 WJ Estes City Secretary

Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
Page Status Needs Review


Fort Worth, Tex Nov 30 1907

MR Wel Boige

Work done at 504 Crafford St

to Relearning Pipe in street 4 feet Pipe one minor 50 eets to city far opening street 6 hours 2 men 5 65

to working and [?] Pipe filled with mud

TL Reynolds P Lumber

Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
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