Council Proceedings: December 15, 1907



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ordinances granting privileges to the Fort Worth Street Railway Co., you will find the figure 9.

You will also find the numbers 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29, 30,and 31, at the begining of one or more ordinances granting privileges to certain corporations or persons. We have written these numbers at the begining of the ordinance or ordinances granting privileges to each company or corporation in order that you may easily observe to which company or person in particular any one relates and be able to know, when you have read all of the ordinances having any particular number at the begining thereof, that you have read all the grants made to such company or person.

Allow me to suggest that owning to the great number of different grants that have been made and the length of the ordinance relating to some of them it requires quite a little time for one to go throughly over these matters. it will be observed also that the ordinances granting privileges to street cars are not uniform. For instance in some places it is requires that the company shall keep the street repaired, etc., for two (2) feet on the outside of the track whereas, 18 inches is the distance usually stated.

You will observe in looking through that where the ordinance as published in the book did not have the date given that we have placed the same in writing at the top of the ordinance.

It will be observed that the City has in one way and another granted rights and privileges to about 31 companies or persons and also that only in about one instance is there any return to the City of compensation for the us of the grants. There are some very significant and striking features about some of the ordinances. I think it a matter of great importance that these ordinances be so throughly studied by each of the Commissioners as that each will be quite familiar with the provisions of the different grants without having the ordinances before him.

I suggest that these copies of the ordinances be laid.

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away by each Commissioner in order to preserve in tact the ordinances relating to franchises granted. If we use them for general purposes we are liable to have them lost and more liable to lose from them the ordinances which are type written and enclosed therein.

Respectfully, W D Harris Mayor for Committees

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Filed Dec 3 1907 WJ Estes City Secretary

Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
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FORT WORTH, TEXAS, Dec. 7th, 1907. 190

Hon Geo. Mulkey Commissioner Fire and Police, .

Dear Sir:- I respectfully recomend the appointment of Mr. J E. Fausett as Second Extra Police Officer for the City Of Fort Worth, vice Faris resigned.

Very Respectfully, JH Maddox Chief of Police.

Fort Worth, Texas, December 6th, 1907 State Of Texas, ) County of Tarrant. ) Know all men by these presents that I, Geo. Mulkey, Commissioner of Fire and Police, do by virtue of authority vest in me by the charter of the City of Fort Worth, appoint and commission Mr J.E Fossett as second extra police officer for the City of Fort Worth.

Witness my hand, this Sixth day of December, 1907.

Geo Mulkey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Com. of Fire and Police.

Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
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Filed Dec 10 1907 WJ Estes City Secretary

Last edit 6 months ago by Koliver
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