Fort Worth, Texas, March 9, 1908.
To the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners of the City of
Fort Worth, Texas.
By this present I come before your Honorable body once
more to beg for a new and larger sewer in the alley between Main and
Houston Streets, and between 14th and 15th Streets. Said sewer being
an old one and too small to carry out the refuse and hereby conjest-
ing now and then and discharge its nasty contents in the basement
of my new building, corner of 14th and Houston Streets. I have fre-
quently reported this matter to the City Engineer, also petitioned
your Honorable body of the fact, but up to now nothing has been done
in the premises.
Now the large new hotel of Winfield Scott's on Front Street
will soon be finished and will be connected with same sewer, which
will make matters worse. No later than last Tuesday the said sewer
got stopped up as usual and discharged its contents in the basement
of my building doing considerable damage to the walls, to say nothing
of the nuisance it creates by the filthy water from said sewer.
Now then, as a citizen and taxpayer I again beg your Honor-
able body to look into this matter as early as possible, and oblige,
Yours very truly,
G. D. Lewis
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