


Status: Complete

City Auditor, Fort Worth

Fort Worth, Texas, March 17 1908

To the Board of Commissioners
of the City of Fort Worth.


I respectfully request an appropriation
of $6680.58 for the Month of of February and $4001.13 for the
month of March 1908 to pay Claims, Accounts, Pay Rolls,
Contracts, etc. as per memorandum following.

Audited vouchers for same have been approved and
are on file in this office.


JJ Nunnually City Auditor

Feby March
Mayors Office 10.40
City Secretary 5.95
√ Auditor 28.45
√ Attorney 1.35
√ Engineer 39.54 25.30
√ Electrician 36.
√ Hall 155.56 2.47
Elec. Light Dept 374.42 1.92
Fire √ 242.51 400.
Health √ 459.90
Police √ 40.52
Calaboose 1.75
Workhouse 197.05
Sewer Extensions 53.55
√ Maintenance 227.01 199.95
Street Dept. 654.27 835.12
√ Paving Repairs 90.05
√ Paving Plant 383.75 89.23
√ Broadway Paving 335.13 84.95
Culverts & Bridges - Viaduct 632.23 221.75
Advertising 2.25
City Park 5.30
Bills Payable 756.83
Interest Current 46.31
Judgments Costs etc 11.50
Pauper Expense 10.95
Miscellaneous √ 51.
Water Works 2683.74 1283.81
6680.58 4001.19

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