Fort Worth Sprinkling Co.
Cor. Lipscomb and West Daggett Ave.
Fort Worth Tex. 3/5 1908
Citizens Street Railway Co.
We have the exclusive contract for sprinkling
the streets in this city. You have four miles of
trackage in our sprinkling district.
We are unable to give proper satisfaction to
our patrons, and comply with our contract
with the city, by reason of the fact that your
tracks are not being sprinkled, and the dust
arising from your passing cars is annoying
our subscribers. We would be glad to enter
into a contract with you to properly sprinkle
your part of the public streets, used by you.
Our charge for same would be Forty Dollars
per month. Please give this your immediate
attention as the sprinkling is now on us, and
our patrons are suffering.
Fort Worth Sprinkling Co.
R.H. Orr
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