Fort Worth, Texas. Janury 23, 1908.
To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners,
Fort Worth, Texas.
We beg to submit to you for your consideration the
following Resolutions, that were adopted at a regular meeting of the
Fort Worth Produce Exchange January 23rd, 1908.
Whereas:- There is an increasing number of peddlers and hucksters who
are working the wholesale and retail trade in this city in
the lines of poultry, butter and eggs, and
Whereas: - A large percent of these peddlers and hucksters are non
residents of the City of Fort Worth and of Tarrant County, &
Whereas:- Said peddlers contribute nothing in the way of taxes for
the privilege of pursuing said calling, many of whom we
know do not pay even one cent in the way of taxes in the
whole County and City, and
Whereas:- Said peddlers and hucksters have no permanent place of bus-
iness, pay no rents, insurance or in any way contribute to
the support and building up of the City, and
Whereas:- We, the subscribed Produce Dealers of this City, who own
and pay taxes on our property and pay taxes for the privi-
lege of conducting our business and in all ways possible
contribute to the building up of the business of the City,
Therefore, Be it Resolved:-
That we respectfully petition the Mayor and Board of Com-
missioners that they render us some protection against the
damages of thes " wandering peddlers" in that an ordinance
be passed fixing a tax of $25.00 per year on the peddlers
and hucksters selling in quantities of less than 30 dozen
eggs, one dozen hens or chickens or butter in quantities
of less than 10 #, and
That a tax of $ 50.00 be placed on peddlers and hucksters
selling 30 dozen eggs or more, one dozen hens and chick-
ens or more or 10 # of butter or more, and further
Be It Resolved:- That this tax be not levied against freighters and
peddlers who haul or sell direct to the wholesale Produce
Dealers of the City of Fort Worth.
Respectfully submitted,
Ft. Worth Chese & Commission Co.
BY T. H. Mueller
Gunn-Applegate Co.
J. A. Gunn
Texas Produce and Storage Co.
BY L. F. Sensabaugh
Wm. Shmidt
Lea Produce Com. Co.
By [T. O?] Lea
J. A. Lewis
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