


Status: Complete

Ft.Worth, Texas. Feby 28th19o8.

To The .Honorable.Commission.and City of Ft.Worth,

Your petitioners Taxpayer and residents of the City of Ft.Worth,
residing in the neighborhood of corner of Magnolia. St.and St.Louis,Ave.
and extending east to Main Street.respectfully call the attention of your
honorable body to the condition of the drainage of this particular territory.
which in a rainy time permits water to accumulate and stagnate and also makes
these Streets impassable until they are dried up by evaporation .we represent
that this trouble could be remedied by you with comparatively small expense
to the City by requiring the Traction.Company. to do their part.as much of the
trouble arise from the construction of their line on St.Louis, Avenue,
we respectfully pray that you give this matter immediate attention as many
of your petitions are suffering great inconvenience and damage by reason
of said conditions above named.

Yours truly.

Jno. L. Parham P. C. Byrnes
K. A. Mulkey J. A. Edelbrock
J. P. Wise C. F. Phillips
C. W. Stanton H. L. Mitchell
Vendo W. Wood Mrs. Jno. B. Mulkey
Owen C Gosser

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