Letter 2020.102.113





Sunday eve. Aug 31, 13

My Dear Edith:

Rec'd your card and was glad to get it, but wish it had been longer. Have been looking for a letter from you everyday for a long time and have been intending writing to you again, but it seems I can't get time to write. I sent Maude a letter and haven't written to, [?Ginny], since the 8th of August.

Well, my dear, we are all kicking around and that is about all. I am getting more homesick everyday for Calif. but seems I am as far from getting there as ever.

As soon as the Sample Estate is

Last edit 10 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage



fixed up, will try to get ready to go back but such a time as there is every time I mention it. Marina thinks I should make up my mind to stay here with them as long as they live. She says it won't be long and I will never be sorry. She cries and carries on every time I say Calif. so don't know what I am going to do. Am so anxious to get back and see you all. Wish I could persuade Marina to go and really believe I could if she was out of debt. Papa will go any time Marina decides to go. Ollie Brown, Kate Harris and Aunt Emma Leitz are all talking of going out this fall. Think Ollie and the girls will try to sell the farm before long. Kate H. is out there now and is not a bit well. They all came down to

Last edit 10 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage



church this morning and stayed at Ella's all day. I intended going up this afternoon, but, [Donas?], isn't well so stayed home and have not even got dressed today. Been sitting here writing this met my kimona out. Donas had a chill last night and has been quite feverish all day. Gave her a big dose of Castor Oil and she is better tonight and sitting here by me at kitchen table writing a note to Alice Gary & Helen. I had planned to take the girls out to Aunt Mille this morning and stay till Tuesday as the store is closed Monday and Labor Day. But got a telephone from Uncle Frank yesterday morning that the baby had been very sick and that they were going to lose him yesterday morning. He isn't a bit strong

Last edit 10 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage



is badly ruptured and inclined to be delicate. So you see, we had to give it up. Edith was in Pittsburg all this, [?]. Edward was to go up yesterday and stay a day or two but Edith sent word Friday for him not to come as she was, [?], and would be home Sunday so that was knocked in the head. She came home today. Uncle Tom is so much better. Has gained so much since his visit down here. Wish they could go to Calif. for this winter.

Aunt Emma just got back from a visit in Minerva with Mary Lentz. She has the most elaborate white dress you ever saw. Oh, she is a sport I tell you.

Last edit 10 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage



Mrs. Tom Hartsough was here the other evening. She is such a dear, sweet woman and he has his automobile just loaded down every evening with childrem. They left yesterday for a visit with your brother, Archie. Did I tell you in your other letter that your aunt had a terrible operation on her feet? Had the, [?], taken off and now the disease is creeping up her limbs. Tommy Hartsough went to see her a short time ago and said she suffered terribly.

Well, [?], I do hope you won't forget me and will write real soon. Let me know where you are and all about yourselves. Tell Daddy I would love to see him and

Last edit 10 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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