Letter 2020.102.153





Friday P.M

Dear Mrs. Grandy: I first started out to get something for dinner and found your card in the box, so came in again to answer it. I would love to come over Sunday, but do not think it will be possible. I do not feel able to, in the first place. I have been almost sick with a cold and have had a lot of work to do. Besides, Harry brought me a basket

Last edit 9 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


of peaches, 6 [qts], and today I put up nine, [qts], of tomatoes. I made some fig jam too and tomorrow, I have to clean house. When I can get hold of some green tomatoes, I want to make some mince meat and then I'll quit. This hot weather uses us up. When the church is dedicated, it will be cooler. Sorry I cannot come now. Write me all about it and everything else. Lovingly, Mrs. Archbald.

Last edit 9 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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