


Status: Complete

11904 Tuscora ave. N.E.
Cleveland, O.
Feb. 22, 1917

Dear Sister Edith:
We received your
good & interesting letter of 10th & it
was such a surprise to get one of
your old fashioned letters again.
It has been a good many years
since you have wrote me such a
nice long letter, so let's hope you
will keep it up now since you have
started. I hardly know where to
begin to answer as I have so much
I would like to say. Well, we are
all well for the first thing. Geo
has had a touch of grip, but is
better now. Has not been to school all
wk. John & Ava & Lawreys are all
well. Sorry to hear of Ella getting
hurt, but hope she will soon be
all right again. I didn't know Ellie
Alaback, but it is very sad. Yes,
you have Frank & Enoch's ages all
right. We were down to see them
last summer on our vacation
& found them all well, as usual,

Notes and Questions

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line 16 - Geo? Gio? is maybe short for George? Giovani?


Would it be possible to get a list of the names of family and friends that reoccur in the collection? Maybe after more letters have been worked on? Most of my illegible text so far is names.


line 17 - "grip" (or "the grip") is an old term for influenza.