Letter 2020.102.36





Cleveland, Ohio 4/8/1899

My darling sister: I am afraid you are angry at me dear for not writing ere this, but we have been hoping and waiting to hear from you again, if only a postal to let us know if you went to Pittsburgh and, in fact, we have been looking for you home, especially Easter, but forgive Zooty, wont you? Your pictures, I think, very good, but you are still so thin. I kept the face view and the side I gave to Archie. I have only been out there once since the fourth of Mar. That was to see Gladys. They wrote us a postal a week ago saying she was very sick and Archie had been home sick too since late 23. So I went out at once

Last edit 9 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage



and Archie is up, but can't go out anywhere. He has a old cough like mine or cold, and dear little Gladys' life was hanging on a thread. Mrs. Lourie is there and Mother went out twice, but I phone up the engine house every day, and inquire after them and they are all improving. Oh, for a week, we thought Gladys was going to leave this world, but our prayers have been answered, it seems. Mother wrote Mrs. Evans, and told her about it, so I presume you have heard all about it on this. How sad indeed to hear of sweet, dear Donald's death. It don't hardly seem possible, does it? Poor Laura, I know is heartbroken. Ma wrote her. Dear, I hope you are not in the north now, for we are having regular March weather, so cold, and snowing nearly every day. Today, it is snowing

Last edit 9 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage



and dreadfully cold, it is very remarkable and unusual weather we are having indeed. I dont believe Summer is ever coming or rather Spring, dont you even think of coming north till the weather changes mind.

How delightful it must be to go in bathing I know the fun you have is sufficient that poor young man and his check pants if I was him I would have made you ladys [sic] pay for the laundry bill, haha

I have a pretty bathing suit Mabelle left hers [rest ?] we [have, had ?] gay larky times when you came home in our wheels, and bathing and etc.

I presume you have heard from Mabelle in this again I received one from her she is out taking care of a blind lady and beside that affliction is very nervous, the lady is

Last edit over 2 years ago by shashathree



very wealthy lives with her daughter & [son- in - law] and Mabel has to wait on her entirely even to feeding her at table, walking with her, reading, sewing and etc. I guess she has wrote you.

Yes we carry on a regular correspondance I enjoy her letters so much poor sweet girl I write two or three times every week regular, and in every one is a earnest plea for her to return home but I am afraid my pleading is all in vain, can't you persuade her dear, dont you think? She is helping me plan my summer outfit and even buying organdy there in Boston for me I have got a scheme Edie dont tell every one it is this ["air" ?] am to have a nice white organdy one and have three different underslips for it,

Last edit 9 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage



one pink one pale blue and one white, the colord [sic] one I am going to have of "near, niar silk" and the waist part made like a corset and trimmed in insertions and narrow fine lace - what do you think of the idea? it will be a great economy and you know organdy is very dressy, and no one will know any thing about it the scheme, of course I will have my ribbon to match to go with each slip for neck and waist, - and the dress I am going to have trimmed in insertions and valencia lace, so I am going to have three dresses. Fig one, the white slip I have a pretty fine hand stitched underskirt plain and all I need is a corset cover end Ma was saying you had such a good pattern for them will you send it to me please dear for I want to make

Last edit over 2 years ago by shashathree
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