And today we had another very heavy rain and things look lovely. The trees are out in full leaf. I suppose things are ahead of us where you are. Wish I could see my big sister. I am writing this on watch and it is now one o'clock a.m. so I must close and go to bed again.
Edith, I don't think Sadie and I will get to Pittsburgh this summer on my vacation, as she expects to be sick about the time I will get my vacation, some where about the last of July, so don't look for us this year so. Well I must close. Now write soon.
Your loving brother and sister,
Sadie and Archie.
Good night and a kiss from both,
S - H
[right page]
Cleveland, O
May 1, st 1896
Dear sister Edith:
I hope you will not feel offended at us for writing at so late a date for me and truly ashaimed of ourselves for not answering your kind letter earlier or letting you know you we liked the beautiful dishes you sent us.
Well, Edith, the reason we haven't written sooner is this Sadie has been busy cleaning house and doing her sewing so she has been waiting for me to write and I have been waiting for her. Besides, Father Lowery was very sick in this time and Sadie and I both spent all the time we could with Father, but he died on the 18th.
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