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Mr Henry Stevens of London, under date June 7th '62, writes me as follows, in reply to my enquiry as to where this Vaughan Journal was found, & whether there were other family papers with it =
"The Vaughan MS. is all of that sort I have of any value. When Petty Vaughan decayed & broke up, Peabody asked me to go and value the old ruck lying about the house, in the way of books, MSS, newspapers, &c. I looked the things over carefully & named £120, as their value. The clerk tried to sell the lot to the book trade but nobody would give more than the odd £20,
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So on this being made known to Mr Peabody he laughed at me for my wild estimate. However, to his surprise I backed up my estimate by offerring to give a check for the full amount myself. This I did - & among the rubbish was this MS. & a few more, but none of any value. Mr Peabody bought for £50 some autograph letters & a cane of Dr Franklins. The autographs I had bound, & they are now in the library of the Peabody Institute, South Danvers. There ought to have been important valuable papers of the Vaughan family, but I do not think any exist".
Charles Deane - Cambridge by H. W. Deane Mass.
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[hand pointer] This is a journal of a Tour made in this country in 1787, by Mr Samuel Vaughan, a London Merchant & father of the late Dr. Benj Vaughan of Hallowell, Maine. It would seem that he had in view the purchase of lands in the country, with the idea of settling here - a plan which was never consummated.