page 7
neither so industreous, sober, or well
informed in farming as the Germans
who are the most valuable settlers.
To Lewisbourgh (lately [Left margin] 144
called Harristown) on the other side of
the Susquahannah, a good road, the ferry
1 mile 10 rood wide; horse [1f?], light waggon
[5f?] Loaded 7/6, plenty of Salmon Rock, pike
trout & passed a delightful Island, cultivated
& richly wooded, 3 1/2 miles distant Consecongens
creek on which are many mills, has about
200 real houses some brick & many good
Loghouses of two stories & likely to encrease [Left margin] 4
June 25 . . . To Carlisle town & borough,
Cumberland County well cultivated in the town 500 houses
a few brick but mostly of blue lime stone, well
built generally 2 story high, the Lots
60 front 240 deep, a Court house, Goal
Market, Episcopal, Presbeterean & a German
Church, - Dickensons College lately founded
at present 70 Students, 35 attend the
Classicks, Chronoly & Geogra, 20' natural philosophy - 12 good houses
now building, a Red soil on a blue lime
stone - 1/2 mile from the town, theres
large range of good brick buildings
for stores &c. each 282 feet long 24 broad
Do. Barracks of like dementions, hospital
Magazine Foundery &c. of stone all built during
the War & to which the Aca College
is to be removed, when fitted for the
purpose, Latent spring, running about
80 or 100 yards to the Westward, on which
are Mills vide plan page 68 -- they have a tollerable
[Left margin] on the next page library & apparatus for Natural Philosop.
[Left margin] Oct 26 Elect. Mashene [????opes] vide plan of Buildings [Right margin] 16
To Shipingsbourgh 500 houses mostly Log, at the end
[Left margin] [symbol] of which is middle spring on which are 2 mills - [Right margin] 21
[Right margin] 185
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