page 8




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[left margin] +
14 mile N E from Carlisle, on Mr Cockrans
farm of 500 Acres is the head of big spring
a solid rock 200 feet over from the base of
which the water in many places rushes ou[t?]
with great rapidity, appearing in some par[ts?]
like boiling water, it is 900 feet to the da[m?]
on which is a grist mill & for the most
part 140 feet broad, in many places 15 feet
deep, great part [environ'd?] with romantick
rocks & hills well wooded, to which walked
2 miles out of the road.

[left margin] [symbol]
From Shipingsborough went a new
road dug from the side of hills, which
saves a round of 20 Miles

[left margin] June 27 [right margin] 18
- - - To Horse Valley, the first 4 miles
level, next two miles easey hills with
small stones, (here a cluster of pine trees
the first met with) next 4 or 5 miles, easy
land with small lime stones. Hitherto
came over no hills but what was easy
for Carriages, crossed herrings branch
& another creek on which were mills,
the land good, farms at small distances
& intermediate wood, of hickerry walnut
& black chesnut. Most of the farms seem'd
to have been lately settled from the trees
standing dead by girting, yet the land
ploughed & in grain, which is the general
practice, in what is called the back
country, several drove of loaded horses
from 8 to 20, [deletion: also] for the most part a
cask on each side, with nails Iron &c
also loaded Waggons ^ 5 horses generally 4 or
5 in Company, we passed, bound to

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