page 10
within 1/4 mile of Tescarora mountain
high pitch & yellow pines, interspersed
with oak 3/4 over the mountain, then
good land timber trees 1 1/2 miles very
stoney, the surrounding hills appear
rich, with many settlements. from the
bottom of the mountain to Fort Littleton
& Reid tavern is 5 miles - - -
June 28 - - - To the foot of sideling hill, this
road good, some easy hills. 9 farms on
the road. 3 first miles best timber, then
tall pines & oaks & stoney the last 3 miles a
red soil like that of New Jersey - - -
- - - To Junietta River. Sideling
hill is exceeding rocky. large stones &
steep, a fine clear spring ripling down
a considerable way, trees yellow pitch
pine, the last 4 miles less stoney & better
land. 3 farms also 3 publick houses. At
the foot of the mountain crossed
Junietta River 105 yards wide fine
clear water. Where is Esqr Martins tavern
Here was picked up a piece of
native lead, one of sulpher & one heavey
quality unknown. - - altho the hills
passed are not very steep, yet they might
be called mountains with equal propriety
as those of the Allegany. & the last hill is
counted as bad as any to Pitsbourg.
- - - To Bedford town the road very
good but the fourth mile stoney, as it
is in a few other places, but of no length
the hills moderate & the road for the
most part clear of stone. The land in
general good, but here & there are
[right margin] 28
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