page 19
plums, asparagrass, Sarsaparella, wild ginger
diferent kinds of grapes, Sassafax I saw
one plant with a rose equal to those
cultivated in gardens _ they cultivate
wheat Rye Barley Indian Corn Oats
buckwheat with all kinds of roots,
greens & [pulse?] the below.
From the Pittsbourgh Gazette of the
17 June 1787 _ "Since the 10" of October 1786
to 12 May 1787, there has passed down
the Ohio river to Kentucke 177 boats _
2689 people 1333 horses 766 Cattle 102
Waggons & 1 pheaton, from a Journal by
the Adjutant at fort Harmer or Muskinghum
- a number passed in the night unobserved."
besides the above many go in boats
from Fayette town, as also from Virginia
& Maryland by land.
Kentucke is 600 miles down the
Ohio. the boats that go down are from
35 to 60 feet long 10 to 14 wide with a
roof of slight oak shingles or clap boards
3 feet long laid horizontally over each
other, like to Noahs ark, & steered with
an oar, their fore man & horse 35 / goods
2/6 [illegible], a single person found in bread bacon
& water per 15 p they are from 6 to 10 days
going down, sell their boat for the value
of the boards, the bottom & sides being flat
& the hands 3 weekes coming up by land.
NB The 4 July cellebrated the American
independance with 28 gentlemen, had 13 toasts
& fired a howitzer near 100 times having no cannon.
In the afternoon crossed the Allagany river
3 acres are laid out at the point for a town;
on this side is the Indian country
not yet purchased & is abundantly richer
than on pitsburgh side, went up the River
7 or 8 mile to W Burtons farm, in the
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