page 20




Status: Complete


way came to Wigwams, from whence
the Indians often come to Pittsbourgh
with peltry to trade. 3 miles further
came to other Wigwams where were
16 Indians men women + children cooking victuals. an
Island in the River cultivated _ _ _ _ _

July 6 [in left margin]

_ _ _ _ Went down the Ohio in a -
Durham boat 50 by 9 ft broad, rowed
down with the Current & poled up
against it _ in 1/4 mile passed Smoak
Island of 40 acres, in 3/4 mile Elliots
Island a mile long 150 acres _ on
Washington side 2 miles further is [Sherteers?] Creek
100 yards wide, at the mouth of which
is a remarkable high Rock, on which
is a noted spring of excellent water,
2 miles lower is Cow Island 40 acres
then came to Monteers, now General
Irvins Island 5 1/4 miles long 948 acres
of exceeding rich valuable land, landed
3 or 4 miles down + went to the farms
on the heigths, now Let, where was
exceeding fine corn &c. there is on the
Island wild deer & turkeys, Turtle, wild
asparagrass plums, cherries hickory
timber trees 3 Island to the Eastward will soon join the generals - there [illegible] _

8 [in left margin]

_ _ _ _ _ Being sunday went to Church +
heard W Barr, who gave a good discourse
to 120 persons, - several who had taken
umbrage for his dispute with Mr
Brackenridge on politicks &c. did not

9 [in left margin]

_ _ _ _ _ Crossed Monogahany River
to General Nevils, passed a creek on the
way on which was a Saw mill. the General
has 5000 acres of fine land 600 of

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