page 21
375 [in right margin]
which in cultivation 50 acres in
wheat 60 acres in Indian corn, near
his house is the remains of an
Indian Semicircular fort, its_
diameter 150 yards, which had a parapet
& ditch its diameter 150 yards, &
dug perpendicular 30 feet; within
the fort is a large heap of human
bones, covered with sods alternately
also a large heap or mound of
mussel shells_ here is a large
bottom on which many Sugar maples
of which the Gen made Sieg during
the war _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8 [in right margin]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ To Col Cannons Washington
County fine land & good road & easy
hills, 15 farms & an excellent Grist
+ saw mill _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10 [in right margin]
To Washington town, lately
made a Borough, in the County of
Washington, it has a Court house
Goal + 70 good log houses mostly of
2 Story & built within 2 years
21 farms on the road, within 10 miles
round the town there is not 200 acres
together without a family, the County
returns near 5000 taxable men _ _ _
July 10 [in left margin]
To Col Bells, easy hills &
excellent land. 22 farms on the
road which is good. the Col has 200
acres open, let to Tennents. 70
acres he cultivates himself with
2 sons (one but 12 year old& a negroe
has excellent wheat Indian corn
flax &c _ plenty of wild turkeys, yellow
gray red & black Squerrels _ _ _ _ _
15 [in the right margin]
416 [in the right margin]
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