Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Numerical list of seeds collected 1899-1901.


This book contains records of Ernest Henry Wilson's plant collections in China from 1899-1901, and shipments of plant material to James Veitch & Sons, Royal Exotic Nursery.


Numerical list and description of seeds numbers: 1-1310

Propagation data on seed numbers 1-1310, in reverse order with Ernest Henry Wilson's comments on degree of success.

Numerical list and description of specimen numbers: 12800

Consignment data on three shipments from Hong Kong, December 2-December 27, 1899.

List "a". Plant list.

Inserted sheet with a list of "Plants wanted from Hong Kong and Ceylon."

Notes entitled "Lankai & Yunnan"

List "a" of orchids from Yunnan.

List of seeds and spores presented to Charles Ford Esq.

List of orchids to Charles Ford Esq.

List "b". Herbarium Lankai

Consignment data on six shipments sent from Ichang via Shanghai, October 7, 1900-January 30, 1902.

Additional Information


(seq. 16)

(seq. 16)

{Numbers} Name.s Habitat Remarks.
161. Desmodium (Killed) Szemao. 6000'. {flowers} purple.
162. Cyrtandráe RPuerh .. .. Limestone rocks. very sticky plant.
163. * .. .. Szemao 4000' ravine stem 2 ft.
164 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ft.
165. Lespedezia dimorphum (Killed) Lu Tung Po. 7500'. simple-leaved sp. see [Icarus].
166. x Vaccinum .. .. .. small shrub white {flowers}. purple Bberries.
v 167. Lobelia pyramidalis (Adenophora polymorphia.) .. .. 6 - 8000'. {flowers} light blue - 6-18 ft. high.
168. * Dichoroa. febrifuga? .. .. 6000' ravine. & at Laokai Szemao & {Hongkong}.
169. Desmodium (Killed) .. .. ..
170. Begonia. Puerh .. on steep banks.
171. Acanthoid (Killed) Lu Tung Po .. roadside blue {flowers}.
172. Cyrtandráe Szemao 4000' wet rocks.
v 173. Lilium Mengtsze 5000' To the left from Assan chai.
174. * Costus Szemao. 2 - 4000' & at Laokai {flowers} large white.
175. Acanthoid. (Killed) {near} Lu Tung Po. 5000'
176. x Euonymus Ru Tachi. 6800' shrub with large red fruits.
177. Hibiscus mutabilis .. .. . ..
178. Ardisia Manhao. 3000' fruits yellow.
179. Cyrtandráe Szemao 4000' ravenis {flowers}. yellow. fine thorns W. H.
180. Symplocos ? prunifolia Lu Tung Po. 7500' fine shrub.
181. Desmodium (Killed) Papien river 4500'.
182. * Patrinia Ru Ta Chi. 6000' yel. Herb.
183 * Ainsliaea ? Pteropoda (Killed) Lu Tung Po. 8200'.
Last edit over 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 17)

(seq. 17)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
184. ? Lactuca Lu Tung Po 7500'. prob. a Gynura {flowers}. blue.
185. Compositáe (Killed) Mengtsze 5000'.
186. Campanumoia (Killed) {near} Lu Tung Po 6000' {flowers} greenish.
v 187. Lobelia sessilifolia (Killed) Mengtsze 7200 Herb.
188 L (Killed) .. .. ..
189 (Killed) .. .. ..
190 Begonia San Tai Po 6300' a remarkable species belong to shrubby sect.
191. Compositáe (Killed)
v 192. (Worthless) Mengtsze 5000' Herb.
193 Schrophularineáe (Killed) .. ..
194. Hamiltonia .. .. A srub unpleasant odour.
v 195. * Lobelia. af. cardinalis (Worthless) .. 7200'. & at Szemao. bogs.
v 196. Gentiana aff. serra (n. sp.) .. 5000' fine blue, plant 1 ft 6 inches.
v 197. .. .. (Killed) .. .. plant 1 1/2 ft.
198. Desmodium (Killed). Lu Tung Po 8000'.
199. Osbeckia ? chinensis (Killed) Ru Ta Chi 7200.
200. Osbeckia ? crinita (Killed) Lu Tung Po 8200'. a grand thing Hardy?
201. & a. x Smilax Ru Ta Chi 7200'. 201. a. = Jehang very spiny
202. x Manhao 3000' shrub. ravine.
203. x Lespedezia Lu Tung Po 7500'
204. * Mussaendra. Laokai a very fine thing common river side
205. Barleria cristata (Killed) Yunnan 7000' in three colours.
206. a. Pueraria (Killed) .. .. climber.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 18)

(seq. 18)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
207. ? Isopyrum (Ran.) (Worthless) Lu Tung Po. 8000'.
208. x Camellia reticulata Hongkong white {flowers} var. {near} Ford.
209. * Thevetia neriifolia Mengtsze 4600' cult. in Temple near custom House.
210. Vitis Laokai side of Mam Dhi river.
211. * Mussaendra .. pubescent sp.
212. Arenga Engleri Formosa {Honkong}, Bg. {near} Ford.
213. Gerbera (Andropogon montanus) Worthless Mengtsze 5000' blush fine p. common.
214. Compositáe (Killed) Ru Ta Chi 7200'. Gen. {near} Arctium.
215. Biota ? orientalis San Tai Po 6500' Cult. in Temple.
216. * Scolopendrium Delavayi Papien R. 3000'. moist shady banks. common.
217. * Pteris Yunnan 4500'..
218. * Quercus fissa (Killed) Hongkong. Shrub. fine foliage capsule splits.
219. Rosa gigantea Lu Tung Po 8000'. fruits only.
220. Amomum Szemao. 4000.
221. x? Liliaceae Mengtsze 7200. Like an Amorphophallus.
2232. Callicarpa interrigima Hongkong Purple berries like. purpurea
223. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa .. One of the finest plants in the Island.
224. Ardisia primulifolia .. a pretty herb. ravine {Mountain} Parkes.
225. Cheilanthes {near} Jalang 4800.
226. * Davallia elegans? .. .. epiphyte
227. * Asplenium crinicaule Szemao. .. ravines
228. * Gym. javamia variegata Lu Tung Po 7000' .. rare
229. * Adiantum ? hispidulum {near} Cheping 5000'. roadside.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 19)

(seq. 19)

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks.
230. Adiantum lunulatum Papien R. 3000'.
231. * Polypodium trifidum? Yunnan. 5000'. woods & dry situations
232. * Nephrodium polymorphum. Papien R. 3000'.
233. Asplenium Lu Tung Po 6000'
234. Niphobolus .. .. .. .. rocks.
235. Aspidium Talong 5800'. ravine.
236. Davallia Lu Tung Po 6000'. roadside
237. * Asplenium .. .. .. .. ravine
238. Acrostichum Papien River 3000' & at Szemao.
239. Lygodium? circinatum Yuen. Chiong. 5800'
240. * Cheilanthes Linang 4600'. Dry banks.
241 * .. .. {near} San Tai Po 3500' rocks very graceful. variety.
242. * .. .. Yuen chiong 4000'. prob. C. patula. [Cheilanthes patula Baker = Hemionitis patula (Baker) Christenh.]
243. * .. .. .. .. ..
244. .. .. Talong 5800'. dry situations
245. .. .. Mengtsze 5000' glaucous like Pteris pedata.
246. Pteris. Papien R. 3000'. a very fine sp. red veins rare -
247. Asplenium Mengtsze 5000'. & Darutaua. sp. dry rocks.
248 Athyrium Papien River 3000'.
249 .. .. .. .. ..
250 Pteris cretica var. Tu Ta Chi 6000'. very narrow variety.
251. Cheilanthes Szemao. 4000'. Common in Yunnan.
252. * Pteris arguta var. .. 6000. bog gigantic variety 8 ft.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 20)

(seq. 20)

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks.
253. Asplenium Lu Tung Po 7000'. 4 inches dry rocks.
254 Polypodium Talong 4900'. Trees.
255. Asplenium Mengtsze 5000' dry sit. very pretty. rocks
256. Pteris Szemao. 4000' ravines red. rachis.
257. Pteris cretica var .. .. .. large coarse sp.
258. Phegopteris .. .. .. red rachis n sp Henry´s
259. * Polypodium .. .. ..
260. * Polypodium juglandaefolium .. .. .. ravine bank fine sp.
261 Diacalpe .. .. 6000'. woods. common.
262. Davallia. hirta? .. .. ..
263. Meniscium .. .. 4000'.
264. * Asplenium .. .. ..
265. * Nephrodium .. .. ..
266. .. .. .. .. 4600'.
267. .. .. .. .. ..
268. .. .. erythrosorum .. .. ..
269. Brainea insignis .. .. 5500'. common a Szemao.
270. Aspidium .. .. 4600'
271. Asplenium {near} Nidus Mengtsze 5500 Mengtsze with Stereospermum
272. Aspidium Lu Tung Po 6500' very fine sp.
273. * Niphobolus Mengtsze 7200.
274. Cyrtomium falcatum var.? .. .. ..
275. Polypodium lingua? .. .. ..
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 299 in total