Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Numerical list of seeds collected 1899-1901.


This book contains records of Ernest Henry Wilson's plant collections in China from 1899-1901, and shipments of plant material to James Veitch & Sons, Royal Exotic Nursery.


Numerical list and description of seeds numbers: 1-1310

Propagation data on seed numbers 1-1310, in reverse order with Ernest Henry Wilson's comments on degree of success.

Numerical list and description of specimen numbers: 12800

Consignment data on three shipments from Hong Kong, December 2-December 27, 1899.

List "a". Plant list.

Inserted sheet with a list of "Plants wanted from Hong Kong and Ceylon."

Notes entitled "Lankai & Yunnan"

List "a" of orchids from Yunnan.

List of seeds and spores presented to Charles Ford Esq.

List of orchids to Charles Ford Esq.

List "b". Herbarium Lankai

Consignment data on six shipments sent from Ichang via Shanghai, October 7, 1900-January 30, 1902.

Additional Information


(seq. 21)

(seq. 21)

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks.
276. * Polypodium Ru Ta Chi 7200' af. P. lingua [Polypodium lingua (Thunb.) Sw. = Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farw.] grand.
277. .. .. .. .. .. .. very glandular
278. * .. .. .. .. .. .. af. P. caudiformis. [Polypodium caudiforme Blume = Selliguea caudiformis (Blume) J.Sm]
279. Pteris Laokai A very fine var. hard & glabrous red young.
280. Antrophyum {near} Talong. 5500' ravine broad form.
281. Polypodium Ru Ta Chi .. .. on a tree very fine sp.
282. * x Vaccinum Szemao 6000'. a tree with black fruits
283. * ? Asarum Laokai on perpendicular bark {flowers} ^white in secund }
284. Ilex (Killed) Ti Mo Shan 2000' (tree). racemes prob new genus. }
285. ? Thrinax sp. {Hongkong} Bg. A fine "light" Palm. {near} Ford.
v 286 Rhus semialata (Box) (Killed) Jehang 100'. San Yu Tung Glen.
v 287 ? Indiogofera sp .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
v 288. x Euonymus sp An An Miao 500' Yangtsze Bank
v 289. Jasminum sp (Box) J. floridum) [Jasminum floridum Bunge = Chrysojasminum floridum (Bunge) Banfi] Jehangs 100' On cliffs Goat Glen leaves pinnate.
v 290 Pittosporum pauciflorum? (Box) .. .. .. .. .. ..
v 291 Mezoneurum sinense .. .. .. .. .. ..
v 292 Vitis sp. .. .. .. .. .. .. Deciduous
v 293 Ligustrum sp 30 .. .. .. in Side Goat Glen.
v 294. Celastrus sp. {chinese letters} (Box) .. .. .. in bed of main Gully deciduous
v 2956 ? Celastrus sp Ping Shan Pai Cliffs. Got by cooly said to be very poisonous
295 & a. Ilex aquifolium var? (Box) Jehang .. not very spiny.
297 Deciduous Leguminous Climber .. .. Legumes hairy like Mucuna Seeds minute
v 298 Mucuna sempervirens .. .. Goat Glen. pods 2 ft.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 22)

(seq. 22)

March. 16th /1900

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks
v 299. Rosa sp (75) = R. láevigata? [Rosa laevigata Michx.] Jehang 200'. Cliffs. fruits 1 1/2 inch. calyx segments 1/2 inch edible.
v 300 Ardisia Henryi. (163) .. .. Glens. purple fruits. glaucous ? foliage
v 301 A^ucuba sp. (101) .. .. .. remarkable foliage.
x 302. Polygonatum sp .. .. Hsiao Ping Shamn Pa. rocks yel. fruits.
v 303 Clematis sp. } Changyang 5600'. really near Ma Huang Po. ravine.
vx 304 Lonicera sp } May 1st (55) .. .. 4700'. . {flowers} white before leaves common.
v 305. Ulmus sp. 15/5/00. Ta Wan. 5500'. Tree 10'. {Mountains} -
v 306. x Primula ovalifolia (52) .. .. 5600' - 6000' Moist situations {flowers} purple.
307 x ? Camilla sp (11) (Killed) Jehang Groves {etc}.
v 308. Lysimachia (9) L. crispidens [Lysimachia crispidens (Hance) Hemsl.] Ping Shan Pa. roadsides {etc}
v 309. Rhus af R. Cotinus (221) [Rhus cotinus L. = Cotinus coggygria Scop.] = R. cotinus. [Rhus cotinus L. = Cotinus coggygria Scop.] Yangtsze.
v 310. Labiateae (Killed Worthless) Ping Shan Pa.
v 311 BroussonetiaMones. 2'. (843) .. .. ..
312. x Abies Davidiana? (572) Lung Wan Tung. 5000'.
v 313 Apricot (Com. Jehang fruit) (160)
314 x A^ucuba very narrow leaves (703) Kuan Pao 6000'.
v 315 Corydalis large yell {flowers} (5273) Yangtsze C. thalictrifolia [Corydalis thalictrifolia Jameson ex Regel = Corydalis cornuta Royle]
v 316 x Betula tree 40' (841) Betula alnoCides var pyrifolia 27/4/07 Nan To {Mountains}.
317. Thistle large red. (784) (Worthless) .. .. .. (Saussurea affinis)
v 318. Legminous shrub. (Curious) (381) Changyang.
v 319. Cotoneaster sp .. ..
320 Fumaria. Jehang (153) (Killed) Jehang Groves {etc}
321. Rh ? Ribes. (150) .. Hills Coriaria nepalensis M. Cult.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 23)

(seq. 23)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks
v 322. Rubus sp R. parvifolius [Rubus parvifolius L.] Hills. Jehang Raspberry red fruits.
323. x Thalictrum sp (12) Glens .. {flowers} blue n white
v 324. ? Ribes sp (150) (Hills) .. {etc}. = Coriaria nepalensis. N. cult.
v 325 Panax sp. (842) Nan To Climber tri leaf.
326. x ? Boea crassifolia (140) Goat Glen. {flowers} blue. Dripping limestone rocks. Cave.
327. x Eleognus sp. (106) .. ..
328 x Leguminoseáe {Mountains} Hsi Sha Ho
329 x Small Herb. (? Stylophorum) {Mountains}
x 330 x Oxalis. (264) Woods {Mountains} South.
x 331 x ? Saxifraga sp. (60) Moist Places {Mountains} South {flowers} straw. 5 - 6000'.
x 332 Shrub 6'. {Mountains}. 5400. only saw fruits.
333 x Aucuba sp? .. .. .. .. ..
x 334 x ? Asarum sp (516) {Mountains}. Woods rare.
x 336 x Cerasus sp. .. Hsi Sha Ho
x 337 Eleognus sp. (430) {Mountains} {flowers} yellow tomentum brown.
x 338 x & a. Ribes af R. alpina [Ribes alpinum L.] (315.) .. red fruits.
v 339 Betula carpinifolia (48). {Mountains} Tree 40' {Mountains} South aboeve 5000' 19/6/00 List Sent.
x 340. x Asarum sp. (899) .. Hsi Sha Ho.
vx 335. x Cerasus {Mountains} Hsi Sha Ho
341. Plectranthus sp (962) (Dead) .. .. .. .. fine blue {flowers}. Moist Place.
x 342. B Senecio sp (254) (Dead) .. Kuan Pao. Moist places good thing.
v 343. Vitis sp. (252) V. labrusca. [Vitis labrusca L.] Jehang . Ornamental foliage Glens {etc}.
x 344. x Eleognus sp. (430.a.) {Mountains} Kuan Pao. Prob. same as 337.).
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 24)

(seq. 24)

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks.
v 345. Lysimachia sp 2'. (401) Jehang. Moist places. L. candida. [Lysimachia candida Lindl.] (Worthless)
v 346. Corydalis sp. (1154) C. ophiocarpa [Corydalis ophiocarpa Hook.f. & Thomson] {Mountains}. Kuan Pao. {flowers} yellow. fol. glaucous. Worthless
v 347. Fragaria sp (612). .. .. .. .. white
v 348. Jehang Greengage. Jehang Cult. A common fruit.
v 349. Cerasus sp. Prunus cerasoides var tibetica {Mountains} Kuan Pao.
v 350. Chelidonium lasiocarpum. (282) .. .. .. Wet Place. {flowers} yellow. fine thing
x 351. x ? Ribes sp (723) .. .. .. Shrubs 8'. good.
v 352. Vitis sp. White fruits V. aconitifolia [Vitis aconitifolia (Bunge) Hance = Ampelopsis aconitifolia Bunge] Jehang
353. Vittaria sp (1080) {Mountains} Kuan Pao.
v 354 Cerasus sp. (66) .. .. .. 4'. {flowers} pink Woods.
v 355. Pterolobium punctatum (24819.) Jehang. Cliffs {flowers} yellow.
356. x Mahonia sp. (426) {Mountains}. Nan To {etc}. af. M. aquifolium [Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. = Berberis aquifolium Pursh]
v 357. Pyrus sp. (Jehang) Apple) Cult. small flattened fruit good flavour.
358 x & a. Daphne sp. (313) {Mountains} Nan To {etc}. {flowers} Greenish.
359. Delphinium sp (95) Jehang {flowers} blue.
v 360. Lysimachia sp. (L. Henryi. [Lysimachia henryi Hemsl.]) .. Glens {etc} {flowers} yellow. leaves lanceolate hairy.
vv 361. & a. Rubus sp (1155) {Mountains} Nan To. a fine dwarf plant. 361.a. leaves haiyry
362. Herb. {Mountains} Kuan Pao.
363. x ? Lonicera sp .. .. ..
v 364. Af. Corylopsis spicata (125) 364.a. x. .. .. .. Bush 8'. {flowers} yellow.
x 365. Senecio sp. (176) Hills .. .. {flowers} yellow. leaves small & Woolly.
v 366. ? Sambucus sp. {Mountains} .. .. {flowers} white. Tree 12'.
v 367. x Sambucus. .. .. .. .. .. Bush 10'
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 25)

(seq. 25)

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks.
v 368.. x Rubus sp. (512) Jehang calyx. covered with red glandular hairs. Glens {etc}
v 369. x Lonicera sp. Kuan Pao. {Mountains}. {flowers} pink.
v 370. x Crata^egus sp. .. .. .. Bush 6' {flowers} white
v 371. Prunus sp. Prunus consociiflora. Nan To {Mountains} {flowers}. white Wet Place.
x 372. Heuchera sp. (325) Kuan Pao .. .. red. .. ..
v 373. Sapindus Mukorossi Nan To ..
v 374. Liliaceáe (Belemacanda chinensis) Kuan Pao ..
x 375. x Labiateae .. .. ..
v 376. x Rubus sp (1215) Nan To {Mountains}. {flowers} red. handsome foliage.
v 377. Rumex sp. (Worthless) Hsi Sha Ho ..
v 378. Rumex sp. (Worthless) .. .. .. ..
x 379. x Polygala sp. (1084) (567) .. .. .. .. {flowers} yellow.
v 380. Umbelliferáe (1337) .. .. .. ..
381. x ? Lonicera sp. Kuan Pao. .. Bush 3'.
v 382. Climber ({flowers} orange) (1031) Nan To .. a valuable plant. Actinidia chinensis
vv 383. &. a. Vitis sp (1411) .. .. .. fine foliage. stim prickly.
v 384. Prunus sp. Prunus consociiflora .. .. .. Prob. same as 371.
v 385. x Clematis sp. (26) } Hsi Sha Ho .. {flowers} pink grand!
386. x Clematis sp } = C. armandi [Clematis armandi Franch.] .. .. .. .. {flowers} white
v 387. x Popolus ? lasiocarpa (7) .. .. .. .. Tree 30' - 50'. seeds embedded cottony [clum]
v 388. & a. Betula sp. (48.a.) .. .. .. .. Tree 20'
x 389. Herb. .. .. .. ..
x 390 Kerria japonica (306) .. .. .. .. large yellow {flowers}.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 299 in total