Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Numerical list of seeds collected 1899-1901.


This book contains records of Ernest Henry Wilson's plant collections in China from 1899-1901, and shipments of plant material to James Veitch & Sons, Royal Exotic Nursery.


Numerical list and description of seeds numbers: 1-1310

Propagation data on seed numbers 1-1310, in reverse order with Ernest Henry Wilson's comments on degree of success.

Numerical list and description of specimen numbers: 12800

Consignment data on three shipments from Hong Kong, December 2-December 27, 1899.

List "a". Plant list.

Inserted sheet with a list of "Plants wanted from Hong Kong and Ceylon."

Notes entitled "Lankai & Yunnan"

List "a" of orchids from Yunnan.

List of seeds and spores presented to Charles Ford Esq.

List of orchids to Charles Ford Esq.

List "b". Herbarium Lankai

Consignment data on six shipments sent from Ichang via Shanghai, October 7, 1900-January 30, 1902.

Additional Information


(seq. 26)

(seq. 26)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
v 391. Spiraéa sp Hsi Sha Ho. Shrub 4' {flowers} white Ravines
x 392. Valeriana sp .. .. .. Probably a Weed.
xv 393. Labiateáe .. .. .. .. .. ..
x 394. x Shrub. "Yeh. [Nura] Chao" .. .. .. 3'.
x 395. x Magnolia ? obovata Kuan Pao.
vv 396. & va Vitis sp. Nan To (396.a.' probably distinct species) blue. fruits.
x 397. x Tree 10'. Hsi. Sha. Ho Cornaceáe
vx 398. Shrub. {flowers} yellow (1339) & 763. Nan To Yangtsze
399. x Ficus sp. (154) .. .. .. .. hanging over cliffs.
x 400. x Pittosporum sp Hsi Sha Ho
401. x Viburnum brachybotryum (44) Nan To.
v 402. Viburnum utile (31) Viburnum utile .. ..
x 403. Viburnum sp. (94) Hsi Sha Ho pedicels very red. Lung Tang Ping.
x 404. Herb. .. .. ..
x 405. x Viburnum sp. .. .. .. Small plant pedicels very red.
v 406. Rubus. sp. Ta Wan. leaves simple
v 407. Hypericum sp (96) = H. longistylumsinense [Hypericum sinense J.F.Gmel. = Hypericum monogynum L.] .. .. Cliffs. Sub. shrub 1 1/2' - 3' {flowers}. large yellow.
v 408. Rubus sp. (986) or (658) .. .. leaves white beneath. a good thing.
v 409. Salvia sp .. .. leaves pinnate
v 410. Prunus sp. Prunus consociiflora(Nan To Plum) Nan To Cultivated
v 411. Rubus sp (Rubus parvifolius Kew 30/6/03)) Ta Wan
v 412. Rubus sp .. ..
v 413. Herb. Kuan Pao {Mountains.} Probably a Veronica {flowers} red.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 27)

(seq. 27)

{Numbers} Names. Habitat Remarks.
v 414. Corydalis sp. (238) C. chielanthifolia [Cordalis cheilanthifolia Hemsl.] Kuan Pao {Mountains} Rocks {flowers} yellow.
v 415. Aquelegia sp (1085) A. vulgaris. [Aquilegia vulgaris L.] .. .. {flowers} purple .
v 416. Stachys sp (1140.) (S. oblongifolia [Stachys oblongifolia Wall. ex Benth.]) .. .. Probably a Weed. (Worthless)
v 417. ? Ribes sp (701) (Neillia sinensis) .. .. {Mountains}. {flowers} pink Grand shrub.
x 418. Gentiana sp (37) .. .. side of {Road}. {flowers} purple.
v 419. Mimulus sp. M tenellus [Mimulus tenellus Bunge = Erythranthe tenella (Bunge) G.L.Nesom] .. .. {flowers} yellow. Wet. Place
x 420. Labiateae Salvia .. .. Leaves oval.
xv 421. ? Thalictrum sp (688) .. .. {flowers} white T. minus var. elatum. [Thalictrum minus var. elatum Lecoy. = Thalictrum minus subsp. thunbergii (DC.) Vorosch.]
x 422. & a.v Ribes sp. .. .. af. R. alpina. [Ribes alpinum L.] fruits glandular. 422.a. leaves pubescent.
v 423. & va. Salvia sp Labiatiae .. .. {Mountains}. {flowers} on axillary racemers.
v 424. Vitis sp. .. .. .. leaves simple.
xv 425. Stauntonia so. (542) Rubus phoenicolasius? .. .. .. leaves compound {flowers} yellow. {Mountains} {North} & South
426. Phyllanthus sp. .. .. .. Shrub 6'. fruits red.
x 427. Pyrus sp. (669) .. .. .. Bush 10' {flowers} white
vv 428. & a Vitis sp v .. .. .. leaves five-foliate fruits red.
v 429. Populus sp (1124) Rubus phoenicolasius?sp. nov. .. .. .. Tree 40' huge leaves. {Mountains} {North} & South
430. Astragalus sp. (383) (Killed) .. .. .. {flowers} light yellow.
v 431. Lathyrus sp. (82) Vicia bracea .. .. .. Herb {flowers} purple. Com weed.
x 432. Shrub. {flowers} on leaves. (632) Helwingia sp. .. .. .. A botanical curio.
xv 433. Shrub. (fruits twin) .. .. .. shrub 4' {flowers} white (Lonicera piteata?)
434. Ilex sp. (4) Nan To Hills A bush 8'.
v 435. Tree 20' .. .. {Mountains}. {flowers} yellow. fine foliage
436. Shrub 4'. (278) Kuan Pao .. Shrub af Ilex. fine
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 28)

(seq. 28)

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks.
x 437. x Tree 50. Nan To {Mountains}. Sapindaceae?
v 438. Tree 30' (Ailanthus glandulosa) .. .. .. A single seed winged both ends
439. Daphne. (sp. 2'. white) (33) .. .. Hills. {flowers} lilac or white March.
v 440. Shrub 6'. (Chimonanthus fragrans.) .. .. .. & at Peng Shan Pa. {flowers} white
vv 441. & av Rubus sp. & bv. cv .. .. {Mountains} foliage white - a. {flowers} pink
x 442. Viburnum macrocephalum? (219) .. .. .. Bush 10' {flowers} white.
x 443. ? Cornus sp. .. .. Yangtsze. {flowers} white
v 444. Vitis sp. .. .. {Mountains}. leaves brownish beneath.
v 445. Jehang Peach. Jehang Cult. fruit flat top & bottom fair flavous.
v 446. Tree 20'. (Rhus sp.) {T. P. S Nan To {Mountains}. panicle white {flowers}, red fruits
x 447. Shrub. Hsi Sha Ho {Mountains} Laurinéae
v 448. Shrub 6' } Corylopsis sinensis 11/4/07 Ta Wan {Mountains} {flowers} in racemes a good thing
v 449. Shrub. } Corylopsis spicata Hsi Sha Ho {Mountains}
vv 450 & va Clematis sp. (457) = C. leiocarpa [Clematis leiocarpa Oliv. = Clematis unicata var. unicata] Hsi Sha Ho {Mountains} Cultivated {flowers} white C. gouriana [Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC.]
v 451. Prunus sp. Ta Wan {Mountains} Cultivated
x 452. Mallotus sp. Hsi Sha Ho {Mountains} fruits red. leaves lanceolate. glaucuos
453. Pyrus communis var. (109) Ta Wan Cultivated fine white {flowers}
v 454 Actinidia sp. Nan To {Mountains}. {flowers} orange. A fine Fruit!
v 455 Vitis sp Hsi Sha Ho {Mountains}.
x 456. Viburnum (944) Hsi Sha Ho {Mountains} {flowers} white Hairy
v 457. Herb Lindera sp (Tzu Mu?) Hsi Sha Ho {Mountains} peculiar Seed. 20' - 30' {flowers} yellow
v 458. Prunus so Prunus consociifloraaf Japonica 4/4/07 Ta Wan {Mountains}. fruits yellow. Not Cultivated
x 459 Tree 20' Hsi Sha Ho .. {flowers} white
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 29)

(seq. 29)

{Numbers} Names Habitat Remarks.
460a } Prunus sp. Prunus consociiflora af japonica 4/4/07 Ta Wan {Mountains}. fruits red. Not Cultivated
v 460. }
v 461. Vaccinium sp. (22) Kuan Pao .. {flowers] white or red.
v 462. & va. Rubus Henryi (786) vb. .. .. .. leaves like a trident glaucous.
v 463. Prunus sp. .. .. .. said not to be Cultivated
v 464. A. peculiar. Grass. .. .. .. rather ornamental.
v 465. Vitis sp. (Killed) .. .. .. leaves fine-foliate
x 466. Laurineáe .. .. .. Shrub 8'. {flowers} yellow.
x 467. Viburnum sp. (A Grand sp.) .. .. .. {flowers} white
x 468. Lonicera (659) .. .. .. leaves covered with soft hairs {flowers} yellow
v 469. Viburnum rhytidophyllum (654)(Box) .. .. ..
470. Vitis sp. .. .. .. Leaves sinmple a Good thing.
x 471. Viburnum sp. .. .. .. a grand plant foliage pretty to.
v 472. ? Ostryopsis sp. (594) .. .. .. Tree 25'. possibly Ostrya virginica.
x 473. Actinidia sp Ma Huang Po {Mountains} Climber {flowers} pink
vv 474 & a Vitis Yangtsze Cliffs foliage brown. simple good.
v 475. Vitis .. .. .. A good thing
v 476. Cornus sp. (495) Jehangs Glens {etc}. {flowers} white.
v 477. Ilex Pernyi (271) Box. Ma Huang Po {Mountains} above 4000'
v 478. Betula sp. Same as No. 388. Betula alnoides var. pyrifolia 27/4/07 .. .. .. .. probably same as one of the species sent
vx 479. Laurineae {Honkong}. .. .. .. .. Tree 30'.
vv 480. ? Vitis sp. .. .. .. .. leaves pinnate.
v 481. Iris sp (640) .. .. .. .. {flowers} blue.
v 482. Berchemia sp. .. .. .. .. large leaves.
Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia Buchholz
(seq. 30)

(seq. 30)

hrs Names Habitat Remarks 483. Viburnum sp. Ina hnang Po Inl Flr white leave clinntate 484. Tree 10'. " " " " flr yellow. small. 485. Ruhus sp. " " " " leaves prinnate 486. Aeivituns sp. (1354) " " " " flr blue 487. Af. Viburnum arboresam. (1385)" " " " flr white leaves Lipid Cyrtandoe hyma sininsis (box) 488. Viburnum arboriscin (233) " " " " " leaves glancin} Comaciae 489. Cyrtandoe (1378) " " " " flr blue. limestone cliff a pulty plant 490. Bunu sp. " " " Cliff 491. a Vilis sp. han Jo " foliahe simple browna good thing 492.Crataeyn sp " " " Tree 20'. flr white leaves small. 493. Herb han Hnang Po Inl flr white in raeime leaves pinnate 494. Tree 20' Ichang De flr in paniate fruit follicle 495. ?Lanthorcylum sp. han Jo Bush 10'.leaves pinnate 496. Tree 10' " " fruit fine -celled. 497. Herb. Ina hnang Po flr white leaves remiporme. 498. Kosa sp. han Jo flr white in clustter 499. Vitis sp. x. (499.x.) V.hitirn phylla tri-leaf soft hairs 500. Herb han Jo piculia flr on spike 501.Paionia abovata (631)( Box) Ina Hnang Po Inl.flr white rare.seed not ripe 502. Tree 10' han Jo Inl flr green 503. Plirncarya sp. (1162) .han Jo Int. incimi 18 inches long 504. Sparaia sp. " " " 505. Rhodadendrm sp hov? (1161) 2 plants han Jo Inls. very vivid covered with hispidly gland ubon Hairs

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Louise
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 299 in total