(seq. 5)



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Memorandum of an Agreement
made the eleventh twenty-seventh day of April of March 1899 between
James Veitch and Sons Ltd. of the Royal
Exotic Nursery
, Kings Road, Chelsea in
the County of Middlesex of the one part,
and Ernest Henry Wilson of Llyswen
Villa, Yardley Road, HayCock's Green
near Birmingham in the County of War-
wick of the other part

1 Ernest Henry Wilson agrees with James Veitch
& Sons Ltd
to proceed to China for a term of not
more than three years for the purpose of collect-
ing plants, bulbs, seeds and other objects of
Natural History, the whole of which are to be
collected for and sent to the said James Veitch
& Sons Ltd
and to no one else, as opportunities
may offer.

2 James Veitch & Sons Ltd agree to place at the
disposal of Ernest Henry Wilson the sum of
£500 per annum for the expenses of the
mission, for which he will be authorised to
draw, as he may require, upon James Veitch
& Sons Ltd
through their Agents; this sum of
£500 is not to be exceeded without the per-
-mission of the said James Veitch & Sons Ltd.

3 The above mentioned sum of £500 per annum
shall include the yearly stipend of Ernest
Henry Wilson
which shall be at the rate of
One hundred pounds for the first year, one
hundred and twenty-five pounds for the second
year, and one hundred and fifty pounds for

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It seems that the "w" and "A" in the right margin of lines 6 and 7 respectively are substitutions for the crossed-out portions in the lines. (Llyswen Villa and Acock's Green are the correct spellings.) I wasn't sure how to note that in the transcription.