(seq. 6)
the third year, he finding his own wearing
apparel; all other expenses connected with
the mission and incurred with the approval
of the said James Veitch & Sons Ltd shall be
defrayed by them. Ernest Henry Wilson may
may draw his salary or any part thereof
while he is on his mission.
4 The said Ernest Henry Wilson will proceed
to China via the United States, calling on
Professor Sargent, the Director of the Arnold
Arboretum near Boston Mass. en route. He
will also, on arrival at Hongkong, call
on Mr Charles Ford, the Superintendent of the
Botanic Gardens there and then endeavour
to communicate with Dr Henry as soon
as possible according to the written instructions,
He will acting on the advice of that gentleman
as far as practicable, and following, as
far as he may be able, the general written
instructions received from {Messieurs} James
Veitch & Sons Ltd previous to his leaving
England. Ernest Henry Wilson will write
to {Messieurs} James Veitch & Sons Ltd as soon
as possible after arrival in China, informing
them of the plans he has decided on adop-
ting for the furtherance of the objects of the
mission. He will constantly bear in mind
that these objects are to procure trees and
and plants and seeds of plants likely to
prove hardy in this country.
5 The said Ernest Henry Wilson shall send
all seeds, bulbous roots, and dried specimens
[right page]
which he has collected by Steamer, and plants
as often as possible also by Steamer, arranging
with the Agents to insure the packages being
promptly forwarded to England and always
sending by by post Bills of Lading of every
consignment shipped.
6 It is intended by this Agreement that Ernest
Henry Wilson shall remain sufficiently long
in China to gain experience of the different
flowering and seed-saving seasons but he
agrees to act in conformity with any instruc=
=tions James Veitch & Sons may from time
to time send to him. He also agrees to write
to them not less frequently than monthly
during the term of this Agreement inform-
=ing them of his proceedings, and at the
termination of each year he shall make
up and send to them a Balance Sheet of
his accounts.
7 The said James Veitch & Sons Ltd shall be at
liberty to recall Ernest Henry Wilson at any
time during the term of three years herein
agreed upon, and should the health of Ernest
Henry Wilson give way at any time during
the three years and he return to England
under Medical Certificate, his expenses home
shall be allowed him as if he had continued
out the whole term.
The foregoing conditions mutually agreed
upon and signed this twenty-seventh day of March 1899
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