Papers of Ernest Henry Wilson, 1896-1952. Book I: Field Diary, March 22, 1903 to April 30, 1904


Field Diary of Ernest Henry Wilson for the period March 22, 1903 to April 30, 1904. It covers his travels in Western Hupeh and Ichang to Kiating Fu: November 30, 1903-December 22, 1903. Kiating to Tung Sing: April 23-April 30, 1904. Sui Fu to mouth of Tung.

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WIII 5:2

Book I April 1 - June 19, 1903 November 30 - December 22, 1903 April 23 - April 30, 1904

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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WIII 3:2

Last edit over 2 years ago by MaryV
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E.H. Wilson 1903

Book I Shanghai to Kiating Fu. April 1st to June 19th instant

Last edit 11 months ago by MaryV
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Arrived Shanghai 6 p.m. on the evening of March 22nd after a rough and unpleasant passage in the S/S "Ch[?}g" from Hong Kong. Put up at Central Hotel at $6.00 per day inclusive.

23rd Call at British Counsulate for Pekin passport which I find awaiting me alright.

24th Hunt up my old Boy's friend Mr. Tung Feh and make inquiries as to whereabouts of my old Boy. Find he is still in Shanghai and send for him. Boy turns up at night alright & is glad to return to my service. Says he is willing to accompany me anywhere only wants

Last edit about 1 year ago by EllaDeer
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permission to take his wife and family to Tinghai (Chusan Island) before leaving. Permission readily granted he promising to return as quickly as possible. He leaves on Saturday the 28th instant and returned early morning of April 2nd.

My own time between the Boy's engagment and his return from Chusan being filled in by making the necessary purchases and loafing around with my old friend Arthur and a fellow passenger - Mr. Harrison. The weather with exception of a couple of days was miserably wet during the whole of my time in Shanghai

Last edit about 1 year ago by EllaDeer
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