(seq. 18)




Status: Needs Review

The themometer ranged between 50 degrees and 58.7 degrees all day. It was cold, wet, and miserable
[Spent?] the day smoking, thinking and studying the barometer praying
for a [?] or cessation of rain.

June 18th Maybe we were in need of a days complete
rest but in any case it was decreed we should take
one. A mild thunderstorm accompanied by a torrential
downpour commenced about 8 p.m. last night and continued the
night through. The roof of our hut is like a sieve and there was
difficulty in finding a square foot dry. The torrent was
in full flood in the morning with a deafening roar, un-
fordable & carrying down an astonishing quantity of water.
It rained steadily the whole day through and there was nothing
but rain, mud & [?] everywhere. Everybody was
miserable and the day was long in passing. At 7 p.m. it
still steadily rains and the clouds are only 500 feet above
us. The thermometer shows a tendency to rise and the torrent
is [unbending?]. Providing it rains but little in the morning
I propose to "move on." Another similiar day of solitude, misery
and nothing to do will be hard to bear.

I photographed our Hostel on arrival but the interior is
much worse than the exterior and no camera [?] [?]
it since even at midday a light is necessary to see in
the further corners. Dirt and filth in its every forms
abound and though plenty of timber is to be had for filling the
house is allowed through the idleness of the keeper to fall into a
ruinous state. Of one [low?] story [?] into five compartments
entirely of wood with no outlet for smoke and no [?]
for light save the doorway and the hole in the roof. Pigs are
quartered in one section into which [no?] [amount?] has
[driven?] the [?]. Cows and goats are quartered in a [?]
six feet from the door and more than a foot deep in wet excrement.
I occupy the center chamber in company with the little
shrine of 'Kwan You' and the guardians. The floor is of mud
and uneven and damp and the [smoke?] from fire wood is painful
to the eye. The roof of the detached House occupied by most of the men is
worse than ours & with no bedding their lot is uneviably worse than ours.

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