Page 15 (seq. 17)




Status: Complete

Boston June 14 1763


The foregoing Confirm Copy of our last, since
which we are favour'd with your letter by {Captain} Daverson,
inclosing invoice & bill {lading} for the articles by him, they are
not yet on shore. We hope you will be able to receive
our ballance from Mr Debbiege; he was mistaken'd in saying
he lodg'd the money at Halifax, we have had many letters
from thence since, & no mention made of it.

We haver wrote to Mr Cuming to come to town
& execute another power, {which} hope to send by next {opportunity}
we look upon it a very needless evasion, & that they might
on your surety have paid the money. The bills & power
were the same writing, & done by the same Mr Cuming.

We are using all expedition in building the
ship, as many hands as can work on her are employ'd,
& shall be carefull to have her well finish'd. We think
we shall soon ship some oil in thirds with you & Folger.
Folbger returns home this day, & if the price breaks as
he expects he will then make a purchase. We
shall soon write you again. [Interim?] remain with esteem,

Your most {humble} {servants}

Messrs {Jonathan} Barnard & Co.

[*By {Captain} Hallowell*]

[horizontal line drawn to separate sections]

Boston June 27th 1763


We have just {received} your {favour} by {Captain} Jarvis
note the contents. Inclos'd you have bill of lading &
invoice of three {Hogsheads} of pott ash shipt by the Roman
Emperor Rich [Fare?] {Master] to your address, which beg your
care to dispose of to the best advantage, & credit our {account}.
therefor You have inclos'd a {certificate} from the Custom
House of its being plantation manufacture. As to the Fare
of the [cask?], [?] submitt to the custom, & doubt not {your} care to act the best
We have this day applied to the Custom House for a {certificate}.
of the tea by Partridge, & show'd the paragraph in your
letter, the collector says there was no [cockett?] brought, & it
does not appear by their books that the tea was ever landed,
that you must land a Cockett or what will answer, before
we can obtain the certifficate.

Inclos'd you have a new power
executed by Matthew Cumings, which hope will enable you
to recover the money for his bill without any further
evasions, & please to give us the earliest {account} of what
you receive & all charges.

The hemp, duck & anchors for the
new ship you did not send by Jarvis as you design'd. [illegible]
[illegible]We are going on fast with the ship. We observe what Mr G H
mention'd respecting the person Mr Cahill recommends for {Master}
at present are of opinion Mr Folger will command her, should
he alter his mind, the preference will be given to this Mr Scott.

We are much hurried at present, that
we can't add, save that we are with esteem, {Gentlemen}

Your most {obedient} {humble} {servants}

Messrs. Jonathan Barnard & Co.

[*By {Captain} Farr
By {Captain} Hatch*]

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