Page 66 (seq. 68)
Boston Sep 29. 1764
I have none of your favours to reply to, the Packett is
Arriv'd in York, but not a line from you, I could wish to hear
oftener from you, am quite in the dark respecting the price of oyl.
Fall oyl is now ready to Ship, & dont know how the Spring oyl
sold, which is an Instance rarely known, your frequent advices
will be very usefull & & agreeable to me. ~
Inclosd you have {Thomas} Williams Bill on {Honorable} Board of
Ordnance dated Anapolis Royal Sep't 5. 1764 in my favour
value £600 sterl'g. also {Thomas} Williams Bill on {John} Humphrey {Esquire}
dated 25th Aug't value £30 {Sterling}, when paid [C?] my account therefor
and pray forward the whole Co. Accounts settled that if any {ballance}
remain to you it may be discharg'd.
I am now storing oyl for Marshall & shall be ready
to give him a quick dispatch to you with a Load of white oyl &
as it is ready money, I must draw Bills on you to raise money
which you will please to honour & charge my Account, I also
directed Mr William Sword of Philadelphia to draw on you
for the cost of some Provision he is Shipping for me, which you
will please likewise to honour, the want of time has prevent-
ed me from closing Mr. Woodfords Account, but shall soon do
it when I shall send you a Bill on him for the ballance. ~
As we have more Oyl than will load Marshall &
judging it advantageous, Folger & I, have this day agreed to
freight a Ship to London immediately with 100 Tons of white Oyl,
in thirds with you, Folger & Gardner & myself, the Ship belongs
to Mr Dumaresq. I have agreed for the freight at 45/{per} {ton} & will
sail in 20 days at furthest, and desire you will make {Insurance}
to the value of £2000 {Sterling} on Oyl ship'd by the Triton {Thomas} Robson
master in case you don't insure your own Interest you will
then Insure one third of that Sum for Folger & Gardner, & one
third for me, I think you will approve this, as its highly pro-
bable the first of the white Oyl will fetch a good price, the first
cost at Nantuckett is £20 {Sterling} {per} ton it is high but will not be
This Vessell is just upon Sailing but if have time shall
send you a Bill on Mr Woodford for part of his Ballance if not
now, will send it by Jacobson who sails in 7 or 8 days, Capt. Robson
with our Oyl will sail I hope next week, you will please to {honour}
what Bills I may draw on you, I have already drawn as at
Bottom, money Extremely Scarce, I wish to hear from Marshall
do write me often, I am in great hurry with Esteem
Your most {hmble} {Servant}
Bills drawn
in {favour} {Thomas} Amory {September} 24 No A.200 }
{Samuel} Abbott {October} 1 - - - B.300 } And much more must be drawn
Inclosd you have also {Thomas} Lechmere's Bill on Lane & Booth for £50 {Sterling}
when paid Co my {Account}
Messrs Bernard & Harrison
[*Via Bristol. {Per} Jacobson*]
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