Page 135 (seq. 137)




Status: Indexed

Boston Octo[be]r 14th 1765


On my Return from the Southward, I was favour'd
with yours by Capt Shand, he brought an Acco[un]tt of meeting
Marshall, in the Downes, that I hope he arrived in time
for your goods~Inclos'd you have Acco[un]tt of Cost of Boston
Packet's & Brig Lydia's Cargo the Last Voyage, the former
amo[unt] to £3104.16.9 Lawfull Money in thirds with {yo[u]rselves
Folger & Starbuck & myself, one third, the produce of w[hi]ch
you will of course pass to my Credit; you will also please
to Credit my Acco[un]tt with £1034.18.11 Law[fu]ll Mo[ney] equal to £776.
4.2 Sterlg being Cash paid by me for your third of this Cargo
in Boston. The Brig Lydia's Cargo P[e]r acco[un]tt Inclos'd amo[unt]
to £1298.6.3 Lawfull Mney] 9/16 of which on your {account} the remaining
7/16 on my own {Account} 7/16 the produce of {which} Cargo you
will Credit my {Account} for you will also please to carry
to my Cr^edit £780.6/ Lawfull money equal to £547.14.6
Sterlg being Cash p[ai]d by me for your proportion of this
Cargo & I have accordingly Charg'd yo[u]r Acco[un]t with this
& your third of Boston Packett's Cargo -

You have also Inclos'd the follow[in]g Bills Vitz
Peter Le Royion, Mons[ieu]r De Belorian at Bordeaux [paya?]
in London Dated Boston Octo[be]r 12 1765 favo[u]r Peter Poree for £268.16.6
Jno Freare on Biggin & Anthony Bacon & Co. in favour
Jona Sayward dated Halifax 27th Aug[us]t 1765/N1061 £41.8
Your third of Cost of Boston Packetts Cargo p[ai]d by me 776.4.2
Your 9/16 of Cost of Brig Lydia's Cargo p[ai]d by me - 547.11.6
Sterlg £1634.3.2

I have not yet had Time to Examine the acco[un]tt Sales &
the several acco[un]tts Curr[en]tt you Inclos'd one, I just ^cast my eye over
them, & cannot acco[un]tt for the Cr]edit] you give me for the pro=
=ceeds of Marshalls Cargo last Fall. it is not near the
first Cost, & the oyl fetch'd a high price, as also the Bone.
sure the must be some mistake, after my full Exam=
ination I shall write you thereon.

The new Brig I set up in thirds with you Barker & Burnell
& myself which I have call'd the Harrison. I have at length
Dispatch'd she sail'd for Nantuckett 11th Inst[an]t compleately
fitted for the sea and as pretty a Vessell & as well Executed
as I ever saw a Vessell & I think tolerable Dispatch-
I have Recommended to Barker & Burnell to give her
the greatest Dispatch in Load[in]g & as soon as I hear from them

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There is a problem with this new format in linking....Notice that two individuals have bills of the same amount and are linked together which happens three times. I have no idea how to show this in the transcription.