Page 147 (seq. 149)




Status: Indexed

in [? ?] I think I am to be justified, & am not liable to a
Seizure or even run any risque at all, as I have taken the Steps
of the Law, & made application for a Clearance, & ^can get no other. I
referr the matter to you, if any Difficulty you will please to make
proper Representations, & I have no doubt we shall be justified
the Custom houses to the Southward are open & vessells clear as
usual the Officers certifying that no Stamps are to be had. I was
a little dissapointed that you make no mention how our matters
were taken up on your side, & what was yours & the general
opinion as to the Stamp act, whether it would be repeal'd, pray
exert yourselves for us & give us the good tidings should the
repeal of the act take place, it will afford more joy to America
than any Circumstance that has or can happen. God grant us
the desir'd Event or we are a gone people. ~

Inclos'd you have Bill Lading & Invo[ice] of Tarr oyl &
Staves (and indeed all the Cargo except the Pottashes Acco[un]t of
which is in IH Letter & on his Acco[un]t) ship'd on board the Boston
Packett John Marshall Comm[ande]r for your port to your address in
equal thirds with yourselves Folger & Starbuck & myself which you
will please to dispose of to the best advantage & Cr[edit] our accounts
cash one third the N[e]t produce of this Cargo. I&H will account w[i]th
you for your one third Cost of this Cargo & by Scott shall send the
Cash, when you will please to Cr[edit] IH account for your third~
Inclosd you have a Naval Store Bill. I think this as good a parcell
of Tarr as I ever ship'd, & hope the Cargo in general will turn
out well.~

You will please to observe I have ship'd on board Marshall
as you'll see by the Invoice by Cask of Head Matter Marked [H No?]
to by which I beg your care of to get it passd unnotic'd. &
have no doubt but you will Effect to as good purpose as
heretofore ~

For IH particular affairs referr to his Letter, & which you
will please to peruse. ~

I heartily wish you all happiness, & for the good of the
whole I as heartily wish to hear the Repeal of the Stamp act.

I am For self & Folger & Starbuck
Your faithfull Freind & obed[ien]t

You will please to return
a Certificate for Landing the
Staves in London as I am
under large Bonds here~

Messrs Barnards & Harrison

[On right margin]
By Marshall
By Hunter

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